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Digital Culture Facebook Vs Twitter And Their Impact

Essay Instructions:


Step #1). Choose two social media platforms (Snapchat, Twitter, Facebook, WhatsApp) and compare how they affect society in various ways.

Step #2). Discuss the details of how they each function and how those unique aspects reflect and affect society. (For instance, Tweets are limited to 140 characters – reflects headline-only culture or snarky one-liner culture or both. Instagram being primary image-focused frames culture as image-related, etc.)

Step #3). What insights can you draw from these differences between the two platforms?

Step #4). Use quotes/paraphrase from at least six outside sources (two of which must be reading from your Signs of Life in The USA book, but the sources others must be from academic books or journal articles) to support and illustrate your arguement of your essay.

Step #5) You must use at least one quote from all six different outside academic sources (two of which must be reading from your Signs of Life in the USA book).

Essay Requirements:

1). Essay should be 7 double-spaced pages in MLA format.

2). Should have a title that states topic and hints at thesis.

3). Introduction should begin with 3-5 sentences introducing the topic of social media and the particular issues or platforms you will be discussing

4). A thesis statement should end the introduction making an analytical argument—that is detailed, developed, and dynamic—that shows a college-level engagement.

5). Body paragraphs should begin with clearly articulated topic sentences that develop individual points helping to support your overall thesis.

6). Evidence should describe the platforms/issues and be connected to quotes, paraphrase, and/or summary from outside sources (two of which must be reading from your Signs of Life in the USA book).

7). Conclusion should bring these individual points back to the overall thesis and make it clear what the implications are for society in the near future.

8). Include a Work's Cited Page.

9). Essays should follow MLA style and format and be a typed, double-spaced, 12-point Times New Roman font, with 1” margins all around.


Notes from Professor to Students:

Here are helpful hints to help you write the essay by focusing on paragraph development.

Paragraph Development:

Writing body paragraphs is maybe the most important part of writing an essay simply because most of the essay is made up of body paragraphs (as opposed to the introduction or the conclusion). For this reason, it is important to understand the different ingredients that go into a good academic body paragraph. I use the word "ingredients" because writing is a lot like cooking, first you follow a recipe to understand how different ingredients work with each other in order to achieve the basic flavor of a dish, but eventually you come to master those ingredients and no longer have to look at a recipe in order to make the dish taste the way you want it to taste, rather than the recipe.

The basic ingredients of a developed body paragraph are as follows:

• Topic Sentence

• Explanation

• Evidence

• Comment

• Transition

*Topic Sentence:

State the point of the paragraph. What is the main idea you are exploring in this one segment of your essay? Be sure that it has some connection to the overall thesis from your introduction. If it doesn't, then you are probably off track from the essay's purpose. Keep the topic sentence simple and direct. One mistake that developing writers often make is trying to make their ideas "sound" smart by using overly complex diction and syntax, but as you learn to work with this key ingredient, keep the wording simple so that your idea will be clear.


Expand on the point from your topic sentence without going into the specific evidence yet. If there are any words that need defining in your topic sentence, this is a good place to do it.


Use quotations that support the point of the paragraph or that add necessary voice from authoritative sources. Use any other specific data, detail, or example that supports the point of the topic sentence.


Explain the connection of the quotation or example to the topic sentence. Don't assume that your reader will make that connection on their own.


Connect the main idea of this paragraph with the main idea of the next paragraph. Not all paragraphs need a transition; you need to decide if the ideas from one to the other naturally flow, or if you need to make it clear with a transition.

* You should usually have two or three examples in a typical paragraph. Each time you should follow that example with a brief connection.


Notes from me to the ESSAY ZOO Writer:

I included screenshot file images of three readings that we did prior such as:

1). "From the Instamatic to Instagram: Social Media and the Secret Lives of Teenagers" by Nancy Jo Sales from pages 428 to page 435.

2). "It's complicated: MySpace vs. Facebook" by Danah Boyd from pages 437 to page 444.

3). "How Effective is Social Media Activism" by Erin Lee from pages 402 to page 404.

*The ISBN for the book of “Signs of Life in the USA: Readings on Popular Culture for Writers”. by Author's Sonia Maasik and Jack Solomon. Ninth Edition is ISBN 1-3190-5663-6

Thank you for your time.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Instructor’s Name:
Facebook Vs Twitter and their Impact
The social media continues to play an important role in today’s technology-dependent society. The platforms like Google Plus, Facebook, and Twitter etc. are rapidly becoming the primary source of communication and socialization. The teenagers and young people make up the majority of social media platforms. Moreover, these platforms are also used by several organizations and authorities for strategic marketing and improved customers services and relations (Phua, et al 119). The “social media” can rightfully be regarded as the “popular culture” of today’s world (Solomon and Massik 226). The social media sites allow the users to register, create profiles, share information, and communicate with the selected friends/family and social communities. Despite their enormous benefits, some negative aspects have been also highlighted by several academic and health research works. In this essay, two commonly used social media platforms “Facebook” and “Twitter” are discussed with respect to their differences and uses (Phua, et al 119). Moreover, both positive and negative impacts of these platforms on the individual and community levels are discussed in detail.
The increased usability of the social networking sites mentioned above can be validated by the fact that almost two-thirds of the American Adults have reported using one or more online social media platforms. While the young adults' age (18-29) make up the majority of this online population exponential trends have also been observed in the teenagers and older people (Sunstein). Across different social media platforms the number of people is exceeding well over millions and in some platforms (Facebook) have users greater than the most populous country of the world China. Another platform Twitter is not far behind; new platforms like SnapChat and Instagram also making their marks in the list of commonly used social media platforms (Sunstein). The changing nature and increased competitiveness in the social media market naturally call out for a comparison between the pros and cons of the commonly used social media platforms. These social media platforms have some unique properties of their own and all are targeted at a specific class of social media users. For most of the users the social media world is a separate world in which they can say, share, display what they want and provides an overview of the popular trends in the communities (Solomon and Massik 432). The present essay includes the analysis of Facebook and Twitter as the most commonly used platforms in the world.
As stated earlier, the Facebook users are well over the greatest populated country of the world. The company’s vision in its own word is it is aimed at enabling people to share, open and propagate their feelings and ideas to the world and keep them connected at a global level. The platform was created in the year 2004 and now it has over 1.6 billion active users on daily basis and over 2.0 billion monthly users (Phua, et al. 118). The three-quarters of the internet using population report to have used this platform on daily basis. With the introduction of smartphones in the year 2009, most of the users access this platform using mobile devices (Phua, et al. 118). The platform has created a successful cross-platform application which is able to run smoothly over multiple devices while consuming lower values of the bandwidth. The highlighted feature of the platform is its ability to share videos, posts, and advertisements with other users of the platform. Unlike its major competitor Twitter the Facebook allows its users to share a large amount of data including videos and recently introduced “live” feature in which a user can interact with his friends and family on the platform in real-time.
As previously, mentioned the Twitter is truly the major competitor of the Facebook. It provides real-time communications among users by enabling them to communicate with each other using 140 characters Tweets (Phua, et al. 118). The users can also mention the previously tweeted information using hashtags and replies. Despite its limitations in sharing a large amount of data and lack in the sharing of the “live videos” like Facebook, it is argued that no major change has been observed in its usage (Phua, et al. 118). One-third of the young adults on the internet claimed to use this platform for communications in the year 2013, compared to 37% in 2014, and 32% in the year 2015 (Phua, et al. 118). However, it is also reported that the number of users claimed by Twitter should be regarded as invalid as it contains the accounts which have not been used over the years. Nonetheless, the platform has reported having 320 million active users on daily basis and over 1 billion monthly users accessing the site through embedded Tweets (Phua, et al. 118).
The enormous amount of users stated above can naturally prompt a research on their potential positive and negative impacts on the individuals and society as a whole. One of the most commonly observed benefits of these platforms is their ability to keep friends and family connected despite the geographical distance between them. The conventional mode of communications has been always controlled by the parameters of geography and time. The social media users feel independent of such constraints (Vishwanath 1356). These platforms have enabled the users to communicate, share pictures, videos, writings, and feelings without the conventional boundaries in the communication processes. Most of the times it takes less than five minutes for a user to register on these platforms and less than ten minutes to find and connect with the friends and family without any hassle. Moreover, if the users feel dull or bored by sharing content, pictures, and videos they can interact with each other using video cameras as they used to connect on skype (Vishwanath 1356). Recently several organizations and even governments have developed pages and messaging systems on such platforms aime...
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