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Logline: The return of the champion Communications & Media Essay

Essay Instructions:

Based on a story and theme inspired by a personal experience that you, or

someone you know has been through; write a 3-5 page documentary film

treatment and proposal that reflect your visualization of the film’s story,

scenes and tone. Much like the script of a fictional film, documentary, hybrid

and experimental film treatments always have a narrative or story line that

guides and motivates the treatment and cinematic elements employed.

In addition to an outline that tells us how the audience will experience the

film, your treatment should include your viewpoint,

message/concept/objective, conflict, change, important story outline points,

story backdrop/reveal and resolution or potential ending.

In addition to the required treatment and cover page, add an outline page that

includes a logline, synopsis, target audience, expected runtime, subject/s

interviewed, location/s and event/s if applicable.

Essay Sample Content Preview:
Course Code:
Logline: The return of the champion:
Target Audience: General Audience
Expected Runtime: 10 minutes
Subjects Interviewed: Eliud Kipchoge
Location: Training Facility Eldoret Kenya.
The documentary follows the life of Eliud Kipchoge in his training facility in Eldoret Kenya. It is shortly after he lost the London Marathon 2020. The film is to show how he is preparing for the next race and what the audience should expect from him. The training camp shows that the setback in London did not change who he is, but reminded him he has to work harder to continue being the best.
Documentary starts showing short clips of Eliud Kipchoge running competitively in different races. One of the clips shows Kipchoge breaking the marathon record on 21st September 2018 in Berlin during the Berlin Marathon. The other one shows Kipchoge breaking the new course record in 2019 London marathon. Another one shows Kipchoge running on the track in different events since 2002.
Narrators Voice: Kipchoge the best marathoner the world has ever seen. He is the only man to run a marathon in under 2 hours and though the time is not official as it was a privately organized event, he proved that at the right conditions, a human can run a marathon in under 2 hours. To manage the sub 2-hour marathon, Kipchoge had to run averagely at 13.1 miles per hours or 21 kilometers per hour. Who is Kipchoge?
Kipchoge and his colleagues are shown in their training facility in Eldoret Kenya. It is 5.00 am in the morning and they are warming up to go for the morning run. Soon they set off and the camera crew follows them by car. They are running on the dusty unpaved roads in the hills. It is on a Monday and they have to do 16kms moderate run. The altitude is 2400meters and they run as a pack. Most of Kipchoge’s training colleagues are fellow career athletes mostly from the Kalenjin community. They are conversing in their mother tongue and barely audible. Soon they are back into their training facility for a shower and breakfast.
The camera pans across the small creaky wooden table where the team discussing local politics over their breakfast which is tea and bread. The coach comes in as they are having breakfast and joins them for breakfast. He enquires about the conditions for their run the morning, the time each one of them recorded and notes them into a notebook. He also joins in their conversations about local politics.
Narrators Voice: Kipchoge has won all but two marathon he has entered since 2012 Olympics. He lost 2013 Berlin marathon to a team mate Wilson Kipsang. He recently lost the London marathon in 2020 and claimed it was because of the weather. Many people claimed that his glory days are over. In 2017, he attempted to break the sub 2hour marathon in an event sponsored by Nike. Nike organized the event in Monza Italy and several other marathoners were invited. Though he significantly and unofficially broke the world record at the time by running the marathon distance in 2hrs and 25 seconds, he did not break the sub 2hour marathon.
Kipchoge is being interviewed for the documentary. The interview takes place outside the training facility. He is seated in a plastic chair on the grass under a tree shade at the far side of the compound. The interviewer is not visible and there are multiple angles of the subject. “How did ...
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