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Social Influencers: The Making of Fake?

Essay Instructions:

A minimum of 1000 words. Please limit yourself to 2000 words as a maximum.

Employ at least two sources. One of these sources can be from class if you want. Include references at the end of your essay employing any citation style with which your comfortable (e.g. MLA, APA, etc.).

Make some claim about your topic. That is, this should be more than a factual report of some kind. You should have an opinion, an argument, a take (however you want to think about it).

Mainly focus on this two sites please, maybe focus on one specific Internet celebrity, to see what social issue has been coursed.



Gain some insight into “expertise.” Maybe you don’t want to be a “social media pundit” or whatever. That’s fine. But here, in an advanced media study undergraduate course, we are concerned with what it takes to bring expert insight about social media and digital networks into a community, any community. What makes the experts expert?

Learn about a specific issue. And part of the challenge here is defining what “specific” means. It probably means something more narrow than you’re imagining. For example, if you think about how Radical Technologies is structured, then you can see that it is taking up a series of fairly big issues, but it does so through a series of very specific instances. In this assignment, you might write about one such instance.

Composing Objectives

Claiming an interest. One of the key tasks of any writer is to claim an interest. It’s a slight generalization but basically, if, as an author, you’re not interested in what you’re writing, it’s unlikely that anyone else will be interested in reading it. That’s not to say the topic itself is uninteresting. To the contrary, the very fact that something is a topic means that there’s interest in it somewhere. But if you cannot become interested, then you will struggle to convey interest through your writing (unless you’re a very experienced–and perhaps cynical–writer). And if you cannot generate interest then you will be unlikely to achieve your purpose.

Investigating a genre. I recognize that writing op-ed or clickbait pieces may not be in your future plans. But in the future as a student or professional you will encounter many new genres. Some of these genres, like academic essays or office memos, are just new to you and have been around for decades. Others are new to everyone: no one was tweeting 20 years ago. I’m guessing new genres will continue to arise. So the challenge for you (and all writers) is to adapt to new genres. How do we do that? How do we identify the key features of a genre? E.g., what makes a “memo” a memo? What makes an op-ed an op-ed? So one of the goals in this assignment is your practicing this skill.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

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Social Influencers: The Making of Fake?
Today, social media has come to define virtual space in increasingly unexpected ways. From earlier days of reading-only (web 1.0), through reading and generating content (web 2.0) to AI-managed, if not manipulated user generated content (USG) to drive traffic (web 3.0), social media has gone a long reshaping how millions work, socialize and school. The scope and complexity of current social media interactions is unprecedented in human history. The space social media has opened up for millions to speak up and engage in conversations in almost about everything has given rise to more commercialized uses social media platforms (and users) could be put into more profitable purpose. For one, digital marketing campaigns on major social media platforms – including, most notably, Facebook, Twitter and Instagram – are now a staple so much so users accept sponsored, even intrusive, advertising as a new, inevitable given. Moreover, users, finding growing opportunities for profit, are developing vast follower/fan base advertisers and brands find attractive to target for possible future sales and, again, more profits. Typically known as “social influencers,” such users cater to conflicting needs of authenticity to followers and fans and needs of selling to brands. Given current state of practice, content branding, a form of creating content including sponsored announcements, is growing exponentially to a point where, one believes, social influencers, majority of whom are content creators, are getting closer to selling and away from genuine and money-free engagement of user base. The current state of practice is, put differently, favoring profitability over value-based and authenticity engagement of users by influencers. To understand how social influencing is now derailed, and expected to continue to do so increasingly in next years, a deeper discussion of what social influencing
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is all about and, more importantly, whether social influencers are promoting fakeness as profitability gains an upper hand.
The world of social influencing is expanding across social media. Today, many advertisers and professional social influencer advise services no longer question viability of social influencers. Instead, social influencers are accepted as a new given for (almost) one sole purpose: profit. Consequently, social Influencers of every walk and each background are approached by advertisers and brand in order to drive a business value and, ultimately, enhanced revenue across social media. That is why, a growing body of platforms and social influencer advise services are laser-focused on nuances advertisers and brands should emphasize to engage influencers most suitable to brand message and consumer base. Consider Hotsuite. One of Internet's most visited platforms for advise on a wide range of web analytics and social media issues, Hotsuite offers a complete (very detailed, actually) guide on how to engage social influencers (Newberry). The guide discusses, for instance, 3 Rs of influence advertisers and brands should be aware of in order to engage most suitable influencers: Relevance, Reach and Resonance. By “Relevance” is meant “content relevant to your [advertiser's/brand's] business and industry;” by “Reach,” “number of people you [advertiser/brand] could potentially reach through the influencer’s follower base;” and by “Resonance,” “potential level of engagement the influencer can create with an audience relevant to your [advertiser's/brand's] brand” (Newberry). The guide includes, moreover, tips to advertisers and brands on planning budgets, avoiding influencer fraud and, perhaps most importantly, identifying reliable and credible metrics to measure any given influencer campaign's success beyond comments and likes. So far, so good. The underlying rationale of Hotsuite – and, for that matter, any similar service – is one about how, not what or why. That is, by laying an exclusive emphasis on how advertisers and brands should identify and engage influencers, professional social media advising services, including Hotsuite, dismiss potential negative impact of brand-influencer relationship not only on user base yet more importantly on society and culture as a result of excessive
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selling and greedy commercialism, i.e. what and why are all such activities for.
The growing inconvenience sentiments against negative effects of brand-influencer relationship is, in fact, well documented and echoed in a growing body of research. The question ...
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