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Reflection on a interview about TV Communications & Media Essay

Essay Instructions:

After you complete the transcript, write a short reflection (2 to 3 pages, double-spaced) about the interview. In

writing the reflection, situate the answers the person gave in the context of all that we have been reading and

discussing this semester in Media Studies. For example, what is the person’s view of television as it relates to

the different eras or views about media effects? Do they see television as having direct, powerful effects on the audience; as having indirect, limited effects; or some combination of the two? Be specific in making

connections with concepts and theories from our text and our class discussions. Provide clear examples,

explanations, and details.

plz write it as you were the interviewer.

Essay Sample Content Preview:
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Television serves many purposes in the lives of people. It can be a form of entertainment, a platform for transmitting information, or leisure and entertainment (Potter). The interview conducted with my grandmother was short and direct to the point, but it highlighted the evolution and changes in television and media throughout the generations.
Based on the interview with my grandmother, it is clear that a lot has changed with how an individual views television and how it is perceived in our everyday lives. It was still considered new technology during their time, and it was also not commonly seen in every household, unlike today. Television was not considered a necessity during those years and had minimal programs that the audience could view. The audience back then was curious not only about the television programs being aired but also about watching television. It was also not a necessity, and my grandmother, until the present day, still views the tv as a standard household technology but is not used all the time.
In my grandmother’s generation, television has influential but somehow indirect with limited effects on the audience. This kind of media's significant impact during their time was because of the citizens’ curiosity leading to an increase in the number of households with televisions. This is an opportunity to directly affect the audience, especially...
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