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Justice System's Role in Investigating Crimes Presented on How To Get Away With Murder

Essay Instructions:

In this essay, pick one TV Series (anything you’ve seen recently or in the past but think deserves merit) and write a 4-6 page analysis of that TV Series importance in the world. You will need 5-8 sources for your paper and at least 3 of them have to be primary, academic sources. You will not only interpret the work based on the criteria you have read about in your texts, but you will also make an argument about its importance in the world.
You could evaluate it based on other TV Series you’ve seen that aren’t as deserving of merit. You could explain the TV Series idea or theme and then judge it. In other words, what do you find meaningful in the TV Series, and how do you regard that meaning in terms of a world view? This paper requires you to make not only an interpretive claim but also an argument about the TV Series import. Remember, your analysis of the TV Series should be based on what you consider to be, in this case, the most appropriate analysis of the works import in the context of the history of television.
Things to consider: How do style and form work together within the context of the approach you are utilizing to judge the TV Series importance? How is it historically significant? Why should it be viewed as seminal in television history? You may also consider talking about race, class, or gender in your analysis if they are of import to the film.
Requirements: 4-6 typed pages. Times New Roman font; Double Spaced. Include the standard assignment block in the upper left-hand corner (i.e. Your Name / Class Name / Instructor Name / Type of Assignment / Date). Use MLA style and formatting throughout. Use the appropriate tone for an academic essay, as well as correct grammar, spelling, and punctuation. This essay requires outside sources. All sources should be cited both in the text of your essay and in a separate works cited page.
There will be NO EXCEPTIONS for late submissions. Late submissions will receive a grade of F. This paper will be assessed in terms of thesis arguing the work's theme, nuanced textual analysis, organization, evidence, voice and usage, and proper citing of MLA style research writing.

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How To Get Away with Murder - Tv Analysis
Shonda Rhimes's “How to get away with murder” is one of the most-watched series worldwide because it has an average of 9million viewers each week. The series involved a lot of activities taking place and flashbacks. If an individual is not keen enough to follow the plot, they might get confused. The viewer has to follow the plot closely to understand the story being represented. The series has gained a lot of fame because it presents the nature of judicial services and how they can impact people’s life. Therefore, this paper analyzes the TV series and what it represents in society.
The main theme of the series is the justice system's role in investigating crimes and ensuring that the perpetrators have been prosecuted. At the beginning of the series, Annalise Keating and her associates are set on a journey to investigate the murder of a sorority girl (Squicciarini). The extend of the investigation shows the effectiveness of the justice system in investigating murder crimes. Using her students, the professor finds crucial information that can be used in determining the real murderer of the sorority girls. The show indicates that through dedication, the uncorrupt individuals in the justice system can work their best to ensure that the perpetrators have been brought to justice. The current justice system is filled with individuals with different motives. Some individuals believe in fairness and are willing to do what it takes to ensure that wrongdoers are prosecuted. Other individuals are corrupt and only worry about the bribes received from wrongdoers to prevent them from going to jail. The series also shows the role played by politicians in facilitating corruption in the justice system. In a real-life situation, the politicians can be compared to wealthy individuals who have a lot of influence in the justice system. The wealthy individual determines the verdicts that need to be made on major cases, especially those involving powerful individuals or the state. If a less fortunate person finds themselves amid a certain case, it would be challenging to get justice. An example is the case of murder that a powerful person committed. Most of such cases never show the slightest signs of justice. The powerful individual pays their way into ensuring that the case has been dropped and that justice would never be served. There are many corruption cases that take place in the justice system, and such cases show how challenging it is for an individual to get justice in the current judicial system. The TV series is an eye-opener that not all courts handle involve a fair verdict.
The TV series also uses the character of Laurel to show that the less fortunate in society deserve to be represented fairly in the courts of law. Laurel is from a wealthy family and claims that pursuing a career in law has always been her dream. She believes that by studying law, she would make the world a better place by defending the less fortunate. Laurel’s character represents the real situation of the justice system in different parts of the world. The justice systems are filled with corrupt individuals whose main aim is to make the world of the fortune ate individuals less challenging. When the fortunate people are faced with lawsuits, they will bribe their way out of going to prison. If the lawsuit was against a less fortunate individual, such an individual would not get justice. The corrupt justice system is one of the factors that has contributed to a high rate of criminal activities, especially in the case of fortunate individuals. Such individuals know that they would offer bribes whenever convicted of a case and not have to go to jail. However, if the world is filled with determined attorneys and lawyers, as presented by Laurel’s character, the less fortunate would find it less challenging to seek justice. The fortunate individuals in society would also not bribe their way into avoiding justice. Such would make the world a better place because people would be afraid of committing crimes.
The TV series is ...
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