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In this scene, Mother presents an ethical dilemma to Daughter.

Essay Instructions:

In this scene, Mother presents an ethical dilemma to Daughter.

“Imagine a doctor has 5 patients, all in need of different organ transplants, but no compatible organs are available. Then a 6th patient enters the doctor’s office with a life threatening condition. The new patient is curable, but also an organ match for the 5 other patients. If the doctor delays treatment, the new patient will die, but his/her organs could be used to save the other five patients. If the doctor treats the new patient, one life will be saved, but five others will be lost.

What is the doctor’s best course of action?
This assignment asks you to consider three responses to this problem.

1) Follow consequentialist moral reasoning introduced in the class lecture to create an argument in favor of saving the five patients.

[Min 100 words, max 150 words - 3 points]

2) Follow categorical moral reasoning, also introduced in the class lecture to create an argument opposing the sacrifice of the 6th patient.

[Min 100 words, max 150 words - 3 points]

3) A third answer - different from the first two - should not be limited by these two approaches and suggest an alternative. Describe a) how your approach is different, b) if it produces a better outcome -

and c) what your view of “a better outcome” is.

[Min 250 words, max 300 words - 4 points]

Essay Sample Content Preview:
Journal 3
Consequentiality theory suggests that something is wrong or right, depending on the consequences after that. In most cases, people would consider lying to be wrong but in this case, when lying is helpful, then it is the right thing to do. Consequentialism theory applies in our case because the theory judges the resulting consequence according to the greatest good achieved for the most significant number. In our case, letting the emergency patient die to save his organs for the other five is the best approach in this case (Bench-Capon 6). Losing one patient for the sake of saving five other patients is the best ethical approach to take in this case. A greater good will be achieved by losing one patient, saving a higher number of five patents, unlike if the one patent would be saved and losing the other five dependents on his organs for survival.
Categorical moral reasoning places morality in the rights and duties despite the underlying consequences. The theory points out that there is a particular thing categorically wrong regardless of whether they lead to a good result. According to this theory, the notion of calculating consequences to account for one's action should be put aside. In this case, the doctor must attend to the sixth patient regardless of whether his death would save many patients (Fryer 79). The sixth patients, too, have a right to be alive, and the doctor's mandate and duty are to keep him alive. The fact remains that the doctor has no power to have the other five without losing the sixth patient. The doctor must save the sixth patient's life without any moral considera...
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