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Intercultural Reflection Paper Communications & Media Essay

Essay Instructions:

Double-spaced, 12-point Times New Roman font, citations

Your project must also include and discuss the following information, regardless of format:

• Discuss how you are both privileged and oppressed based on your diversity markers in your Wheel

• Include how these diversity markers have intertwined and varied in the past and might change in your future (a concept referred to as fluidity) in shaping advantages and disadvantages in your life Include each of the twelve diversity markers as headings in project

• Discuss social justice as it relates to the Matrix Model of Oppression and Privilege.

• How can you be an ally?

• Who's had opportunities in your environment and who has not?

• How can we make the "invisible" more visible?

• What can you do to influence this?

• What can you do to make society more equitable for all people regardless of differences?

• Include a section titled "social justice" as a heading in your project. Be sure to develop this fully showing you understand social justice, privilege and oppression, and social change

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Intercultural Reflection Paper
Student Name
Culture is a factor that contributes to the development of mankind in different sections. Multiculturalism is the interaction of two or more cultures across a synergistic environment to promote a harmonious coexistence among people of a certain nation. I happen to be a heterosexual, middle class, youth of Chinese ethnicity schooling in a United States college. This essay purposes to discuss how the twelve diversity markers make my life both privileged and oppressed. Additionally, it will also touch on how social justice relates to all these markers.
Education is the process of studying in order to acquire knowledge and understanding of subjects that are important to one’s life. It is not limited to tomes of books but rather to lessons learned outside the classroom. I happen to be privileged in being able to pursue my goals in in a United States college due to the following reasons: First and foremost, it provides stability. Education provides people with a life that is stable. By holding a college degree, I increase my chances of getting a good career and open doors for myself. Secondly, it provides me with financial security. Good education guarantees a high paying job besides providing me with the know-how needed to get employed (University of the People). Thirdly, education helps in equality. If every individual were to be given the same educational opportunities, there would be less discrimination social classes. Everyone will get a decent chance at getting a high paying job not just those that are already rich. Fourthly, Education enables one to be self-reliant. Education enables us to get employed that ultimately stops us from depending on our parents to provide us with basic needs. Fifthly, education provides us with a safer world. Educated people are often not swayed by racist or chauvinistic ideas because subjects like biology teach on how human beings are not so different. Sixthly, education promotes national economic growth. Research has proven that countries with high rates of literacy such as the United States tend to be economic giants. Last but not least, education can protect me. With the increase in fraudulent cases, education can prevent me from being taken advantage of by granting me the ability to read fake documents.
Gender Identity
In terms of gender identity, I pride myself in being a man. Men are normally granted more opportunities than women. However, we are also victims of gender identity. This is seen in the following expectations: First and foremost, women want a ‘complete’ man. They want a man to be able to bear the financial responsibility and soft enough to change diapers. I believe I can believe I can do all this but what if I was not able to change diapers? Will society consider me ‘incomplete’? Secondly, a man is expected to be responsible for both the nuclear and extended family. A man is expected to not only provide for his woman but also bear responsibilities like marriages of siblings and funerals (Gsws.pitt.edu). Thirdly, a man is expected to keep up a tough reputation. Even when facing adversities like financial difficulties, a man who complains or confides in other people is often mocked. This expectation is unfair and is the contributing factor to the rising rate of male suicides. Last but not least, a man is expected to hold up a social image for the rest of his family. The pressure put on men to be successful is often slightly more than the pressure put on women. Sometimes a man is not employed despite his educational certificates but society considers him lazy.
Sexual Orientation
When it comes to sexual orientation, I am heterosexual. A century ago, people thought heterosexuality as ‘abnormal’ or ‘perverted’. Today, heterosexuality refers to being solely attracted to people from the opposite sex. I have often been able to control these sexual desires and act on them in a safe way. However, I also have a few homosexual friends. Most heterosexual people tend to have aggressive attitudes towards anyone who is gay (Ambrosino). Although in the United States people have a more understanding attitude, the problem still negatively impacts the lives of different students. These students are often harassed and discriminated against by their peers thus leading to drop-outs and suicide in some cases. That being said, I normally treat students of all sexual orientation equally because I believe we should not be judged as a group but rather as people.
I belong to a middle social class. In some aspects I am privileged to be able to afford College education in the United States. However, the middle class often borrows some traits from the high and low classes (Research Gate). 28% of undergraduate students belong to students from the lower class. 40% belong to the middle class whereas 32% belong to the higher class. The middle social class struggles when it comes to paying examination fees or going for educational tours. That being said, I have a part-time job to meet any other needs.
Another factor that affects my academic life is being able-bodied. I normally take part in sporting activities to keep my body physically fit. However, I am acutely aware that students with disabilities are often ostracized due to their inability to engage in some kinds of sporting activities (Ed.gov). I am of the belief that ‘disability is not inability’ and I often find ways to interact with them and establish a friendship based on mutual trust and respect. Educational institutes should be places where everyone finds conducive learning environment not just able bodied students.
Religion is the belief in a higher power. I don’t conform to any religious belief. I believe this is because many institutions stress on academic excellence but rarely focus on fostering spiritual development. ‘How College Affects Students’ found that there is a decrease in religious attitudes and values especially among students in college (Wolterstorff). Additionally, it explained that some of the change may be linked to changes in societal values. Additionally, students like me, who did not live at home, had a higher tendency to disengage from religious practices. This is because parents reinforce traditional values at home and give us a minimum chance to explore.
Ethnicity has the biggest impact on my education. I happen to be Chinese student living in the USA and this factor comes with a number of problems: The first problem is motivation. Staying motivated enough to pass is the biggest task. This is because I cannot rely on outside help whenever I encounter any problems since my family is back in China (Zhang). The second problem is the language. I normally lose confidence because it’s hard to communicate with others.  This is because more emphasis is put on English as a written form than as a spoken form. Thirdly, culture is also a big problem. Chinese culture puts an emphasis...
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