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Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence

Essay Instructions:

Create a summary from an important text

A summary is a succinct description of the most significant parts of a text. It includes the main point and the most important arguments the authors make, leaving out details. It gives an overview of the text in a short form.

Your assigned reading on Machine Learning was the first chapter of the now classic text “Machine Learning; an Artificial Intelligence Approach” edited by Carbonell and Mitchell. Your task in this assignment is to summarize – as described above - the first 10 pages of the first chapter.

[min 450 words, max 500 words – 10 points]

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Assignment #3 - Summary 1
Machine learning is a research area within artificial intelligence that entails studying and developing computer models. Machine learning’s primary goal is to build computer models and cognitive skills by acquiring new knowledge and discovering new facts through observation and experiments. Task-oriented studies, mental stimulation, and theoretical analysis are the three main focus areas of machine learning. It aims to ease the burden of hand programming in future computers. Machine learning as a science entails the incorporation of other learning mechanisms apart from ordinary human learning. It explores scientific research methods, such as the induction of algorithms, coping with insufficient data, and acquiring information that must be available to the learner.
Knowledge acquisition and skill refinement are the primary methods of machine learning. Knowledge acquisition entails developing or learning new data such as physical laws and incorporating the knowledge effectively. Skill refinement entails the improvement of both motor and cognitive skills through regular practice. The taxonomy of machine learning is essential in comparing and classifying artificial intelligence-based machine learning. The taxonomy of machine learning classifies it into three dimensions based on underlying education, based on a representation of knowledge or skill, and in terms of an application domain.
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