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I used to be a human being Communications & Media Essay

Essay Instructions:

The questions need to think and write for the essay:

1. What do you think of the implications of turning over your data to corporations?

2. Do you think this data should be sold?

3. Do you feel that TOS (terms of service) should give the company power over your data?

4. What would you as a member of the HR Department to ensure your co-worker's data is protected.

5. Do you feel that the public should be able to control their data?

6. Is privacy dead?

Make sure you answer the questions fully. Cite your learning resources and external resources (eText, videos, other readings, blogs, etc) to support your response. *if you do not use and cite supporting data (must include works cited), points will be deducted*

The website article needs to read:

1. https://www(dot)theatlantic(dot)com/technology/archive/2019/01/go-ahead-do-10yearschallenge/580624/

2. https://www(dot)npr(dot)org/2019/01/20/686897486/could-the-10-year-challenge-be-putting-your-data-at-risk?utm_source=facebook.com&utm_medium=social&utm_campaign=npr&utm_term=nprnews&utm_content=20190120


Please cite and not copy from others, thank you very much! Need full 3 pages!

Essay Sample Content Preview:
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Used to Be a Human Being
1. Corporations and companies are now able to access people’s data from various media platforms, and this access can potentially have various implications. For one, this implies that companies are exploiting people all over the world through using their data to improve the value of their products and services while not compensating these people (Sadowski). There is also the risk of data misuse for example, the recent 10-year challenge being used in training or creating facial recognition algorithms (Morris & Navarro). Another implication is that with these data sets, governments and companies can now track people’s actions, what they know and the places they are most times. Ideally, this is an unfortunate situation because it means that every detail of people’s lives and society has been infiltrated by these surveillance technologies used to collect data. It is quite unsettling to know that one’s data is out there but not knowing in what ways or for what purpose it is being used.
2. The act of selling people’s data is very wrong and should be discouraged since this often puts the users at a risk in case their data is misused or mishandled. For instance, the Amazon Company has been noted to sell data to any interested parties that then use it to identify and recommend products to internet users through advertisements (Madrigal). Facebook on the other hand has managed to collect billions of people’s photos, which are then analyzed using the facial recognition software. Companies that purchase this data from Facebook then use such information or data to shape their products and advertisements in accordance to their customers’ needs. While selling data contributes to the success of companies, this action is a violation of the privacy of users and consumers throughout the world. The situation is made worse by those corporations that collect and sell this data without the approval of concerned individuals. For this reason, it is necessary that regulations be put in place to control the collection, management and sharing of people’s data by the companies since this will ensure that user information is protected.
3. Terms of Service (TOS) should not give a company power over people’s data for various reasons. To begin with, it has been determined that most internet users rarely read the terms of service that in most cases contain many details and take up several pages. Evidently, most companies are aware of this culture of users not reading their terms of service and therefore they tend to include details that give the company the right to access and use people’s personal data in whatever way they want. Instead of giving these long terms of service that could take hours to go through, it is suggested that companies provide their users with policies and agreements that have been summarized. Notably, this will help prevent users from ...
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