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Film Utilization as Education and Entertainment

Essay Instructions:

Filmic Text

Essay - Midterm One

Please analyze 1 - 2 films (Adaptation, The Great Train Robbery, Battleship Potempkin, Modern Times, Early Cinema) Include references from 1) Gunning 2) Corrigan and other assigned readings. Including 1 outside academic source or film to support your original argument.

Create an unique argument based on a thematic (class, work, gender, nature) or cinematic element (montage, editing, sound, spectacle) of your choosing, or see the optional prompts below. Please note this essay should be an original argument you create based on the films of your choosing, and reflects your conversation with the films. You are welcome to cull from the optional prompts below, or create your own to write your essay.

Note: Mid-term essay is due Friday, October 16 - 12 PM EST

3 - 4 pages double-spaced, 12 point font.

Any essay below a B will have the option to receive a regrade. More details forthcoming.

Optional prompts:

1) The history of film could have gone into several directions. Today, film is largely used as entertainment but also education. How should film be utilized as education, entertainment or both? Be specific in your argument and make sure to define your terms.

2) The representation of labor and work comes up frequently in the films assigned for the course. Discuss how work is represented in films such as Modern Times, Adaptation, early cinema (Lumiere Brothers), or Battleship, for example. Why and how is work represented, and what meanings do you derive from the representation of work?

3) Gender is a key concept in cinema studies. Discuss how gender is depicted in the respective film (s) of your choosing, or provide a comparative essay on gender. For example, gender in Modern Times versus Battleship Potempkin. Discuss the significance of gender in the films your chose, and discuss gender in terms of cinematic elements such as editing, acting mise en scene, or story. Please remember gender includes the representation of masculinity ie Charlie Chaplin The Tramp as well as representation of women.

4) Discuss Tom Gunning's theory of Cinema of the Attractions in early cinema. How does early cinema connect to current media such as Youtube, or TikTok today?

5) In our course, we also discussed stardom and the power of the star. Discuss how stardom manifests in the films we watched, or doesn't and analyze the effects of this choice by the directors.

6) Analyze narrative theory in Adapation and another film of your choosing. How did narrative change, and what meanings can we derive from these films? Discuss the role of adapation in the filmmaking process.

Essay Sample Content Preview:
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Film Utilization as Education and Entertainment
The History of Film
The audience liked how stories are told after the film images were invented. Films encourage people to fly around the world vicariously, witnessing traumatic events, love, and almost all other emotions. Films spread rapidly, making them one of the world’s most common and affordable forms of entertainment. In the middle of the 19th century, photographing became part of public life, particularly during the Civil War, when photographers first captured American battlegrounds (Wang et al. 3554). Several inventors experimented with photographic displays and created a simple toy that allowed the rapid succession of a series of images, creating an illusion of movement. It was referred to as a zoetrope. Scientific American published a series of images of the horse in full gallop on October 19, 1878, along with directions to look through the zoetropes.
The pictures were taken of California’s businessman Leland Stanford and his colleagues by Eadweard Muybridge, an English photographer, to make a bet. Stanford argued that all four hooves had been off the ground at some point in a horse’s stride. He engaged Muybridge to take pictures in quick succession of the horse hooves. The 12 pictures from Muybridge revealed the bet won by Stanford. The observations of Muybridge intrigued many, and in 1879 he invented a sequence scope photo-projector with Stanford’s help, the zoogyroscope. With this instrument, the following year, Muybridge fired his pictures at an excited San Francisco crowd.
Etienne-Jules Marey has done similar work in Paris meanwhile. He studied animals in motion, and he created a camera that could take twelve pictures per second from a moving target. Together with Muybridge’s work, the chronophotography technique was the founding concept for movie cameras and projectors. In 1888, Thomas Edison, a leading inventor, and William Dickson, his British assistant, worried that others would gain traction in camera production. The pair developed a computer to capture moving images. The Kinograph, a primitive movie camera, was unveiled in 1890 by Dickson. He revealed in 1892 the computer that could project moving imaging onto a screen, the invention of the Kinetoscope. In the newly opened “Kinetograph Parlors” in 1894, Edison introduced public film screenings.
The French again worked for the same reason. The Cinématographe was invented in the year 1895, by Auguste and Louis Lumière, who were able to show 16 frames a second. Simple movement and action films were thrilling in their available movies: pictures of a baby feeding, a hose squirting water, and the workers fed the Lumière factory (Baskoro 165). Although initial films are commonplace -approaching tr...
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