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Effects of Social Media on Activism Perceptions

Essay Instructions:


Activism in the Social Media Age (Links to an external site.)

This assignment is focused on how social media has changed the behavior of people specifically people who are growing up with social media. Answer the following in a short essay.

How has social media affected your perceptions of activism?

Do you think a voice amplified by social media is more or less powerful? Why?

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Activism in the Age of Social Media
Social media can be described as any form of a digital tool that gives the users an avenue to create and share content with the public. It encompasses online platforms such as Twitter handles, Instagram, and Facebook. Social media has had both positive and negative influences on people, particularly those who have grown up using it. Some positive effects include educative content, while the negative ones erode the morality of users.
Effects of Social Media on Activism Perceptions
Activism entails campaigning to intervene, impede or direct political, social, economic, and environmental reforms with a desire to bring about change for the better. Social media has impacted people's activism (Yankah, Sandra, et al., Pg.61). The following are some of the effects caused by perceptions of activism by social media.
With the intensity of social media usage, so much information has been at activists' disposal, increasing the perception to uphold activism. It has been easy to access information that gives a holistic view of society's political, social, economic, and environmental aspects. It goes beyond the acquisition of knowledge to educating on reality, thus supporting activism engagements to obtain a desirable change in the community.
In politics, social media has played a vital role in activism, where elected officials are made to focus on details of development plan issues. Citizens and lead activists have been able to mobilize on movements that pursue the attainment of developmental matters. It manages to reach a broad audience and thus calls them to act in the same direction. Social media's power makes it possible to achieve a common goal that is desired for society.
Social media, through activism, has managed to give voice to the underrepresented. For example, in America, the black race, which for years has been can use social media for activism and air out their matters to get government attention (Sebring &Jennifer., Pg.51). Social media has enhanced a platform where the voiceless can channel their out and obtain a fair judgment from the masses, thus making it possible to change a vice into a desirable behavior within a society.
Where ethical or race divisions occur, activists may use social media platforms to produce and publish content that reaches a broad audience and condemn the vice. A word spread through social media is more likely to be heard by a vast population, and among the target group would retreat and change any of the condemned behavior. That can be recounted as a milestone for activism as supported by social media avenues.
Activism has been made easy by the social media age, where most powerful people get held accountable for their actions while holding public offices. The disclosures ...
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