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Social Media and Human Resource: Communications & Media Essay

Essay Instructions:

The essay require below:

This article should help you better understand HR and Social Media. It will be helpful for the final project of the class. Please write a 3 paragraph essay about the following.

(Links to an external site.)

How would you integrate social media into the HR function?

(Links to an external site.)

Tell me about something you did not know before reading this and how it has changed.

Thank you for helping finish it! Please follow the requirement and do not cope, use citation!

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Social Media and Human Resource
Social Media and Human Resource
The world has become a global village connected through the internet. Social media plays a tremendous role in the modern system of communication. Today, different companies communicate through social media and hold summits through various social media platforms. The growth of Facebook, Twitter, WhatsApp, and Instagram is an alternative and fastest means of communication. The onset of the coronavirus pandemic has intensified the company's use of social media interactions. For example, video calling through zoom and google meet gained fame because companies held meetings through them after the outbreak. Human Resource (HR) in companies can take advantage of social media's growing popularity to grow their companies. This essay discusses how social media can be integrated with HR functions in an organization.
An HR manager can take advantage of social media in acquiring talents (Isaacson & Peacey, 2012). One of the functions of an HR is to source for talents to work with the organization. Social media provide avenues to post vacant positions to reach a more comprehensive network. People seeking employment can look for the requirements through the provided link and then weigh with their qualifications. They would then apply through the same channel, and the HR receives the applications instantly. Sorting out applications sent through social media is a simple task that an HR can even perform while at his home relaxing. This is better than having a bunch of papers to sort. Paperwork leads to exhaustion and omission of qualified talents. After reviewing, HR uses the same platform to offer interview slots to qualified candidates. He then interviews them on zoom, and the best talent is hired. This cuts down several costs that would have been used for advertising in the mainstream media. It also cuts down on the time that would otherwise be wasted in conducting paperwork recruitment and selections. HR uses social media to connect the newly recruited employees to interested groups (Isaacson & Peacey, 2012). Such groups are crucial for the new employee's personal development in enhancing work-related ethics and routine operations. Global companies like Coca-Cola use social media to discuss issues a...
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