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How Speech Can Help in Communicating with Multilayered Society

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I'm writing about the speech in communication
EACH TURNED IN SPEECH MUST CONTAIN an Outline (DO NOT SUBMIT A PAPER that contains a Bibliography containing no less than three sources. (Use the MLA Handbook for citations.)
This is the topics. Different nationality (Guinea Conakry)
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Speech Communication
Communication is important in any society because it is the only way to pass information from one person to another. People pass their culture and traditions from one generation to the next through communication. Similarly, in the modern world, they communicate pertinent social, economic, and political information through the speeches they make. Therefore, speech plays an essential role in facilitating communication (Bizcom Coach). Any society features different groups of people with different cultures and traditions. Conakry, Guinea’s capital and largest city, serves as an excellent example of a society inhabited by a wide range of ethnic groups (iExplore). The local people often remain true to their ethnic background. Consequently, it is important to understand the culture and traditions of these people and determine how speech can help in communicating with this multilayered society.
Culture and Traditions
Guinea has a layered culture that is quite interesting. The country has a wide range of ethnic groups, with each group having its own unique traditions and different variations in language. Despite the differences in language, members of the society largely belong to the Muslim religious group and adhere to the Islamic teachings and observances. Some of the ethnic groups in the country include Peuhl or Fula, who are found in the Fouta Dhalon region, the Maninks, found in the forests and savannahs of Upper Guinea, Susus, found in Conakry, and other smaller groups such as Toma, Kissi, Kpelle, and Gerze, prominent in forests and coastal regions (iExplore). While the Muslim doctrines govern the society, it is also under the West-African and the French influence, which presents a major challenge in communication.
Definition of speech communication
Speech is the process by which a message is sent from a speaker to the audience. It refers to the words that one delivers orally to the audience. It is something that only humans have the ability to do and has contributed significantly to their ability to develop civilization. It allows humans to communicate much more complex information compared to animals. Animals can only communicate by making sounds and noises. They can neither form sentences nor share complex information. Instead, they pass messages by making simple noises that trigger the other animal’s natural instincts. In humans, speech involves many more processes that include the use of vocal machinery, such as the throat, lungs, vocal cords, and tongue. The involvement of these organs allows people to use a wide range of intricate sounds to communicate. Besides, humans have a more complex brain that enables them to process more vocal sounds and understand their combinations. Consequently, even in cases where humans belong to the same species, they may be unable to understand each other.
Communications in Guinea Conakry
Cultural differences have a major impact on the way people communicate with others. It includes beliefs and behavioral norms that influence the way an individual thinks and does while communicating. Conakry, a multicultural society, faces the same challenge of communication, where it is difficult to communicate certain information to a group of people from different cultures. The fact that the society is largely Muslim has helped reduce the diversity and made communication easier. However, while people may understand the information presented, they may react to this information differently depending on their cultures. These reactions explain the tendency...
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