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Homework 4 Five Principles Used In Persuasion

Essay Instructions:

In class we watched a short video summarizing the ‘science of persuasion’ available on youtube. This video summarized work by Robert Cialdini highlighting the six universal principles of persuasion. Obviously this has a lot to do with power and influence in organizations.

Your homework assignment is to choose 3 of the 5 principles of persuasion and describe a short, fictitious scenario in an organization showing how each of these principles could be used.

Use this word doc (single space, 12 pt. font, same margins, etc.) as a template for your assignment. Like all the writing assignments in this class, you should provide a short introduction paragraph in which you state your purpose for writing this document. Also include a brief conclusion paragraph. There is no set length for this assignment—just follow the instructions.

The video is available here: https://www(dot)youtube(dot)com/watch?v=cFdCzN7RYbw

This homework is due 1159PM Monday November 5.

Essay Sample Content Preview:
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Science of persuasion
November 4, 2018
Science of persuasion
There are factors influencing peoples’ thought to accept request from other members of the society. Science of persuasion has been used for a long time besides information that we gather. Understanding and employing science of persuasion effectively increases the chance of persuading a person. This paper will discuss five principles used in persuasion.
Principle of reciprocity can be used to persuade people to give much better returns when they are offered something. For example, a woman might visit beauty salon to only get her hair made, but the designer may decide to give her client a free facial make up. The client will be persuaded to be a more regular customer. Continued bonuses might convince her to fetch a lot more clients to her designer.
Scarcity of services and commodities as well persuade people mainly because people are more attracted to scarce products. It is more applicable in organizations that offer services where people hurry while services still last. For example, a gas station company offering car engine check on daily basis might decide to conduct that service twice a week. This will make the service scarce persuading customers not to miss visiting the gas station on the selected days. It will increase customer’s attendance, reliance and trust.<...
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