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Communications & Media
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Design a different human being. Human Fitted Smart Muscles. Communications & Media Essay

Essay Instructions:

Thanks to the antenna implanted in his skull, Neil Harbisson can hear images and paint sounds


Human beings are no longer optimized for life on planet earth and beyond. Help improve your species.

Human bodies have not changed radically in thousands of years. Yet human beings are venturing into environments, the oceans, space or contaminated environments for which their bodies and sensor organs are inadequate.


Your task is to imagine a new appendage, sensing system or organ that will help human beings adapt to an altered world.


Imagine an altered human body in response to a specific situation or need. For example, Neil Harbisson created an implant that allows him to hear images and see sounds.

Check out this video about the artist Neil Harbisson:


In the past, earlier cyborg aficionados took more timid but no less effective steps at augmenting human perception. Check out this video on the engineer Steve Mann


Oh but humans are so limited – at least compared to starfish. Some starfish eat prey larger than their bodies by moving mouth and part of the stomach out of the main body, and then retracting them again after the meal.



Think about a way to enhance the human body – your body - with a new feature that lets you experience life in new ways or perform new activities.

DELIVERABLES - total 10 points

Visualize your design. You can use any visualization method you like – drawing, photomontage, 3D modelling. You will get credit for a great image / visualization. But the inventiveness of the idea is equally important.

[5 points]

In addition to the image, describe your proposed enhancement. Describe what your design intends to accomplish and why it would be beneficial.

[Min 400 words, max 500 words; 5 points]

Place your visualizations on one page and the text on a second page. Combine the two pages in a single .pdf document.

Essay Sample Content Preview:
Smart Leg Muscle
Human Fitted Smart Muscles
The proposed enhancement is adding smart prosthetic muscles in the body. The smart leg muscles will be used by people who love hiking, adventure, and outdoor excursions. It is designed to assist with the location, communication, and detection of dangerous animals. The device can be linked with mobile devices to map out new treks and paths as one explores a new destination. This adds to the memory of the device and will recognize where the person is located when they lose track of where they came from.
Besides, it is fitted with a sophisticated sensory system that is linked to the brain. The muscle can locate direct and transmit signals to the human mind. The smart muscle's design is so that it allows it to communicate with the brain through the nervous system. The sensory ability assist with the detection of animals and other dangerous organisms. Since the targeted people explore areas with harmful and poisonous animals, the muscles help sense these dangers and send signals to the brain. The pers...
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