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3 ways Hong Kong B2B businesses can modernise their marketing campaigns in 2021

Essay Instructions:

Please write for the CMO or experienced HK marketing manager persona

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please refer to this website instead: https://oxygenbuilder(dot)com/blog/

Talk about Neil Patel and Google Analytics, the rest you can google.

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November 21, 2020
Modernization of Marketing Campaigns
Understanding the relationship between social circumstances and advertisement campaigns is essential for a successful marketing strategy. It allows the marketer to focus his approach towards increasing his returns on advertisement expenses. In this article, the author would like to discuss several ways on how to modernize the marketing strategies of B2B businesses in Hongkong for the year 2021. This includes the creation of better websites, utilization of modern analytics, and the increase of social media marketing, among others. All in all, the author believes that modern marketing strategies should be adapted to the changes in the societal and economic landscape.
Modernization Strategies
To modernize the strategies for B2B Businesses in Hongkong for the coming year, it would be best to improve the website's appeal and usability. It is a common misconception that B2B businesses do not need to have an appealing website since their main clients are other organizations and businesses who mainly check of their financial performance and reputation. In reality, B2B websites serve as the business's "storefront", where you should showcase your solutions and your achievements as a provider to other firms CITATION Cre20 \l 1033 (Creswick, 2020). In line with the ever-increasing competitiveness of the landscape from other countries that could provide cheaper services, Hong kong-based businesses should also take their time to develop and improve their own storefronts.
The second way to modernize a Hong Kong-based company's marketing campaign for next year is through the strengthening of its analytics. All companies in the world (whether B2B or B2C) aims to have more traffic to their website to maximize the chances of conversion for their business. Fortunately, Google Analytics is a free platform that provides all the insights that are needed to for a ma...
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