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Week 12 Assignment. Friends of the Library’s Report.

Essay Instructions:

Details for writing a short report:

You are president of the Friends of the Library, a not-for-profit group that raises funds and provides volunteers to support your local library. Each year, you send a report of the previous year’s activities and accomplishments to the County Arts Council, which provides an annual grant of $1000 toward your group’s summer reading festival.

Here are the highlights you have gathered for your report:

The back-to-school book sale raised $2000.
The holiday craft fair was attended by 75 people, and raised $1100.
Promotion and prizes for the summer reading festival cost $1450.
Materials for children’s reading program, which featured a local author, cost $125. Because of the need to pay a small honorarium to the author, who writes children’s books, this cost is a little higher than last year. Most of the money went to pay for printing posters promoting the event and local newspaper and radio advertising.
New reference databases for the library’s career center cost $850.
Bookmarks promoting the library’s website cost $200.

Write the report presenting this information to the County Arts Council. Be sure to express appreciation for the council’s continuing financial support.

For the purposes of this exercise, you may embellish the facts listed above with additional relevant information that you may invent.

Your writing assignment is due on Friday by 11:59 p.m.

Essay Sample Content Preview:
Friends of the Library’s Report
Since Friends of the Library’s establishment years ago, it has remained committed to supporting education. This initiative is through raising of funds and providing volunteers to work for the local library. The intervention has been significant in enhancing quality of education, owing to the vitality of a library in such a setting. While undertaking the mentioned goal and objective, the Friends of the Library is always privileged to receive a grant worth $1,000, annually, from the County Arts Council. Therefore, this report is about the 2019’s accomplishments and activities as part of the regular reporting practice to the Council.
During 2019, Friends of the Library received the yearly funding, which it channeled to various activities considered crucial to the local library. Out of the $1,000, $125 was spent in purchasing children’s reading program’s materials. Indeed, this amount was higher (comparatively) than the previous year’s expense on the same vote head because of a new development; it included honorarium that was paid to Dr. Keith Graham, a local author who featured in the reading materials. Otherwise, the rest of the amount was used to pay for radio and newspaper advertising, as well as poster printing.
Additionally, the library’s career center’s data base was outdated as it had not been revised for three years despite additional scholarly articles and books. Therefore, it was necessary to establish new reference databases. Given this need, Friends of the Library spent $850 for the activity, which signific...
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