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Debord assignment

Essay Instructions:
First, what do you think Debord means by the society of the spectacle? Second, discuss your explanation of Thesis #12. Third, explanatory articles provide an explanatory discussion of at least two theses other than those discussed in class. (do not use #3,#4,#10,#60)There is no need to restate the thesis; use the thesis # of those items you decide to discuss.
Essay Sample Content Preview:
Debord Assignment Student Name Institutional Affiliation Date Debord Assignment Meaning of “Society of the Spectacle” Debord’s concept of the “society of the spectacle” denotes a society where images dominate social interaction. Due to the constant exposure to mass media, people’s lived experiences are increasingly replaced by representations of reality ADDIN ZOTERO_ITEM CSL_CITATION {"citationID":"HLoLxD8s","properties":{"formattedCitation":"(Debord & Knabb, 2014)","plainCitation":"(Debord & Knabb, 2014)","noteIndex":0},"citationItems":[{"id":29,"uris":["http://zotero.org/users/local/DoC3vaY8/items/I8NSRJS6"],"itemData":{"id":29,"type":"book","event-place":"Berkeley, CA","ISBN":"978-0-939682-06-5","language":"eng","number-of-pages":"150","publisher":"Bureau of Public Secrets","publisher-place":"Berkeley, CA","source":"K10plus ISBN","title":"The society of the spectacle","author":[{"family":"Debord","given":"Guy"},{"family":"Knabb","given":"Ken"}],"issued":{"date-parts":[["2014"]]}}}],"schema":"https://github.com/citation-style-language/schema/raw/master/csl-citation.json"} (Debord & Knabb, 2014). Debord considers the shift to cause a situation where the spectacle becomes more than reality itself. Over the years, capitalism has led to the creation of artificial needs, resulting in a distorted perception of inherent threshold values. The list of natural needs is very short hence it does not take much for humans to survive. However, modern society is not willing to accept that humans can thrive with basic needs and instead creates a world where buyers and consumers are needed to allow the world to function. Consequently, individuals come to view themselves and the world around them through the lenses of the images presented, which are often manipulated and distorted to serve the interests of the people in power. Debord critiques society for majoring in consumer capitalism, leading to social control and keeping individuals passive, distracted, and isolated from each other. Explanation of Thesis #12 The spectacle is presented as massive, where it encompasses an entity beyond understanding. The reality is portrayed as beyond the reach of people; hence its dominance cannot be questioned. Since the spectacle does not allow room for debate, it appears as the valid version of reality, leaving no room for dissenting opinions. The spectacle...
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