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Apply the concepts of Ideological State Apparatusses and Repressive State Apparatuses and Interpellation to the practice of surveillance.

Essay Instructions:
1.Apply the concepts of Ideological State Apparatusses and Repressive State Apparatuses and Interpellation to the practice of surveillance. Base your discussion on a comparative analysis of two assigned seminar texts and one film screened in class.Your essay must be evidence based i.e. discussing quoted passages from the selected articles and discussions of specific scenes from the films screened in class, You do not need to summarize the entire film only selected scenes that can be interfaced with the chosen readings and your thesis. Films screened in class too date; 13th ( https://youtu(dot)be/krfcq5pF8u8?si=HWZiHi7HhkathbUN or Netflix ) Coded Bias ( https://youtu(dot)be/10lzOisUNE8?si=FkVeAB1IqEs6iotp or Netflix) Dirty Wars (Kanopy web site) 2. The midterm and the final will be take the form of comparative and expository writing: Defined below: Expository writing is a useful style when you're presenting research or data to help inform readers about a topic When writing in this format, it's important to rely on facts from reliable sources instead of opinions or conjecture. This style of writing has various professional uses, including for people who work in journalism, academics or research. The primary goal of expository writing is to inform or educate the reader with facts, quotations, statistical data and information, which means it can benefit you when writing reports on professional topics such as finance or research. Create a thesis Most expository writing types have a thesis statement that summarizes the topic or theme you plan to discuss in your paper. Because expository writing includes facts, try to create a thesis you can explain with data or evidence. Creating a thesis statement that's broad enough to include the information you want to discuss while still being specific can help readers know what to expect when reading the paper. The structure of the essay is as follows:. 1.Statement of Thesis 2. Supportive evidence from class resources that confirms your thesis and evidence from the class texts and films that do not support your thesis 3.Conclusion: summarizing how you have confirmed your thesis or revised after exaaming the evidence, and future questions for further research. Comparative and contrast Comparative and contrast writing analyzes two or more ideas against each other. This type of writing discusses the similarities and differences between two or more topics while maintaining an unbiased perspective. Comparative writing also may discuss the advantages and disadvantages of a topic, allowing the reader to make their own conclusion. Cause and effect Cause and effect writing describes the cause of a topic and its outcome. This form attempts to demonstrate how one topic or theme influences another topic or theme. For example, a writer may use this style to craft a paper that discusses the cause and effect of a college preparatory class on standardized testing scores. These forms of writing often rely on research that links two subjects and aims to describe their relationship simply and definitively. The midterm will be graded on how well you present convergences of divergencess, parallels and disagreements, between the selected class resources (texts and film) and the degree to which your arguments are supported by quotations from the text and facts presented in the film. Personal opnion not supported be evidence from class resources will lower the grade focus on particular paragraphs in texts & particular scene in the film (1-2 support evidence) !! don't open with vague and overarching statements. (it's too general and global, would not be supportive enough) start the essay with a particular example from the film or article, don't start with cliché +++++++CLIENT UPDATE Hi! It should be in the form of expository writing. Feel free to touch upon the cause and effect, as well as compare and contrast between the required sources, with the following explanation provided by the instructor: It will be graded on how well you present convergences of divergences, parallels and disagreements, between the selected class resources (texts and film) and the degree to which your arguments are supported by quotations from the text and facts presented in the film. Personal opinion not supported be evidence from class resources will lower the grade. It will be take the form of comparative and expository writing: Defined below: Expository writing is a useful style when you're presenting research or data to help inform readers about a topic When writing in this format, it's important to rely on facts from reliable sources instead of opinions or conjecture. This style of writing has various professional uses, including for people who work in journalism, academics or research. The primary goal of expository writing is to inform or educate the reader with facts, quotations, statistical data and information, which means it can benefit you when writing reports on professional topics such as finance or research. Create a thesis Most expository writing types have a thesis statement that summarizes the topic or theme you plan to discuss in your paper. Because expository writing includes facts, try to create a thesis you can explain with data or evidence. Creating a thesis statement that's broad enough to include the information you want to discuss while still being specific can help readers know what to expect when reading the paper. The structure of the essay is as follows:. 1.Statement of Thesis 2. Supportive evidence from class resources that confirms your thesis and evidence from the class texts and films that do not support your thesis 3.Conclusion: summarizing how you have confirmed your thesis or revised after examing the evidence, and future questions for further research.
Essay Sample Content Preview:
Surveillance and State Apparatus Name Institution Course Name Instructor Due Date Surveillance and State Apparatus Surveillance refers to the oversight process in which persons or groups are monitored and observed. In general, there are multiple agencies that can apply surveillance which are usually the state authorities, commercial companies and institutions. Additionally, surveillance has the ability to distribute power to the higher authority or power groups in society and influence the conduct of their subjects and imposes specific norms among the society (Browne, 2010). It is also essential to consider the concepts of Ideological State Apparatuses (ISAs), Repressive State Apparatuses (RSAs), and interpellation to understand the comprehensive implications of surveillance. Ideological State Apparatuses are essential in shaping societal ideologies and norms (Ryder, 2018). Usually, they are influenced by institutions such as education and media. On the other hand, Repressive State Apparatuses enforce compliance through force and sometimes through coercion. RSAs include institutions such as law enforcement agencies and the military. Lastly, interpellation refers to the process by which individuals are called upon to assume specific societal identities. The current paper, therefore, explores the relationship between these three elements and their influence in shaping power dynamics and the existing structures of society. According to Althusser, ISA uses different methods apart from physical violence to achieve the same objectives of the RSA. As mentioned, ISA utilizes various institutions, including churches, media outlets, schools, and family, social, and sports clubs. These formations are usually apolitical and part of the civil society rather than a formal part of the state. In terms of psychology, ISAs can be described as psychosocial since they mainly aim to develop ways of seeing and evaluating things, events, and class relations (Ryder, 2018). Additionally, ISA disseminates ideologies that are aimed at controlling the dominant class in society. According to Althusser, no social class is able to hold state power unless the social class simultaneously exercises domination over and through ISA. Althusser argues that “all ideology hails or interpellates concrete individuals as concrete subjects” (Ryder, 2018). This implies that Althusser understands that ideology is majorly functional in shaping subjective experience and not objective experience. The ISA of Education in Althusser’s theory is quite powerful within the capitalist economy. This anonymity ensures that the political intentions of the political class remain untraceable for most teachers, students, parents, and other members of society. Althusser argues that the school is now the first ISA for the replacement of the church as the main mechanism of the reproduction of capitalist production relations. Capitalism is sustained by the educational system, which trains the population of laborers who end up serving the interest of capital rather than their own. However, the covert character of ISAs could not help pose a class struggle as subaltern social groups expose ways of political resistance and subvert the hegemony of a ruling class in these institutions. Nevertheless, although the subordinate classes raise fists within their ISAs, it is still possible that the dominant class will control RSAs, magnifying their grip on society. To maintain their dominance, the governing class uses repressive state apparatuses (RSA) to impose control over the underground class. These devices, which comprise state power, judicial system, police, and military, are the tools meant to restore class dominance when there is political instability. The RSA employs all violent and nonviolent weapons of coercion to impose fear of the upper class on the other regions. The ruling class dominates the RSA in the state governing system, and the legislature system, with armed forces included. In this case, Althusser argues, “Ideology exists in institutions and the practices specific to them. We are even tempted to say, more precisely: ideology exists in apparatuses and the practices specific to them” (Ryder, 2018). Althusser’s reinterpretation of Marxism introduces several hierarchical structures, which include the RSA and the other ideological state appa...
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