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Final Paper. Studio and Cinema Symbiosis in Film Industry.

Essay Instructions:

The historical relationship between the studios and cinemas, stressing the importance of the symbiosis between them – one could not exist without the other, so the spirit is generally one of cooperation. That relationship—already threatened by home video and streaming—took a body blow with the rise of COVID-19. Examine the recent history of theatrical exhibition in the United States and its long term prospects, yes, but particularly focus on that relationship: demonstrate how the balance of power is shifting and project how that will play out long-term. In this paper, you need to focus on coming up to a thesis and evidences about what will the relationship between studios and cinemas look like once the world fully reopens and beyond?

In the paper, make sure to mention some major film releases after COVID-19, especially Tenet (in cinema only) by Warnar Bro., Mulan (online streaming only in NA region) by Disney, and Wonder Woman 1984 (in cinema and HBO Max at the same time the first time after traditional 90-days window established) by Warner Bro., and how these different actions turn out after the release. Also make sure to examine the relationship between studios' own online streaming platforms like Disney+ and HBO MAX, and analyze the possibilities for them to replace cinemas (exhibition industry) in the future? Will we return to studio system (Golden Age of Hollywood/Paramount model)?

Write a 5- to 7-page paper answering the topic above. You may start from a central thesis and build from there. And be sure to talk (backed up with research) about the present and the future of the industry.

Essay Sample Content Preview:
Studio and Cinema Symbiosis in Film Industry
Today, film studios and Cinemas play key roles in the film industries in the production, distribution, and marketing of motion pictures. The two institutions have, however, coexisted and have harmoniously worked together over the years. Equally, the institutions have also gained enormous revenues from the film industry. Unfortunately, the road has not been quite rosy, especially for cinemas worldwide due to technological advancements that have changed the dynamics in terms of accessibility of film productions. Due to technological advancements, audiences’ preferences have changed. In return, the changes have influenced shifts from the traditional theatrical exhibitions, where movies were only screened in theatres, to the modern-day platforms such as Television shows and the recently invented online streaming. The emergence of the COVID-19 pandemic has become the latest obstacle for cinemas in 2020. It has highly impacted the movie delivery techniques, which has forced the closure of several cinemas worldwide. This paper examines the relationship between studios and cinemas in the movie industries to project their future correlation and existence.
Correlation between studios and Cinemas
               The two entities perform distinctive roles in the movie industry. Film studios do the lion’s share of the work as it is the entity that conceives an idea, put it in scripts, looks for actors, and create the play. Essentially, the film studios do everything as far as the preparation of a movie is concerned. After the movie is prepared up to the final stage and compiled as a single item, then comes the need to market and air it to return in revenues. This is where the cinemas come in as they are tasked with marketing and selling the tickets to the audiences before the movie is finally released. In most cases, the movie is always given a grace period of 70 days to air in cinemas before being released for home audiences (Zhao). This is the duration within which cinemas make a kill in ticket sales. On the other hand, besides earning from the cinema releases, the studios continue to earn from the home releases after the cinema window elapses.
Obstacles that Cinemas have faced over the years
               The emergence of television is seen as the first major obstacle that Cinemas had to face as it changed the dynamic in movie delivery. With the emergence of the television sets, people were no longer forced to attend the physical movie theatres to enjoy their preferred motion pictures (Zhao). Luckily, cinemas found ways to maneuver by making their presentation more appealing to the audiences. Some of the measures that cinemas established to overcome the threat from televisions include presenting movies in color and 3D structure (Jacobson). This way, the TVs, which were black and white at the time of their arrival, failed to match the enthusiasm presented by cinemas through theatrical exhibitions. 
               Streaming sites like Netflix have recently emerged as major obstacles to cinemas, thanks to their unique financial model. Unlike cinemas, where the audience is expected to buy tickets for a single movie, Netflix’s financial model entails the audience subscription (Jamjoom). The differentiation in the financial models of two entities implies that Netflix is likely to lure more audiences than the cinemas because of the following reasons; First, the Netflix structure, unlike the cinemas, does not depend on one movie at a time. Secondly, the Netflix platform is accessible to a larger audience at a particular time than cinemas, where the capacity of theatres dictates the number of audiences. Finally, if a single movie fails to attract the audience, Netflix will not go into losses because its audience can easily look for another product on the platform (Zhao). Unfortunately, for Cinemas, that is not the case.
               Subsequently, the emergence of COVID-19 in 2020 presented the biggest headache to Cinemas across the world. For instance, there is fear that almost a third of the cinemas in the United States might fail to open up again, even in the post-COVID-19 period (Nicolaou, Fontanella-Khan and Hancock). The fear arises as a result of movie-delivery techniques that have been invented during the COVID-19 pandemic, which have seen movie lovers shun away from theatres. These differences have prompted movie studios to rethink their ways of marketing and selling their productions to the audiences without passing through the cinemas (Nicolaou, Fontanella-Khan and Hancock). As a result, the correlation between studios and cinemas in the film industry seems to be cracking.
Impacts of COVID-19 to the correlation between Studios and Cinema
               To adhere to the COVID-19 regulations to control the spread of the virus, most Cinemas in the United States were forced to close their doors. The few that continues to operate cannot also operate to full capacity because of social distancing. In fact, most cinemas in the US operating are doing so with a capacity of between 25 to 60% (McGuire). Such scenarios have forced several Cinemas to adjust their calendars by postponing the release dates of several movies. Key among the movies whose premiere dates were delayed is Tenet by Christopher Nolan. Tenet was, howeve...
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