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Executive Summary Report Problems Facing Mountainside Industries

Essay Instructions:

Your Paper:

You are writing an executive summary. It should be about one page or one and one-half page (about 520-650 words, double-spaced) and follow MLA format for your paper. You are analyzing and stating your own opinion based on your reading of the Mountainside Industry and its situation Refer to the MLA formatting and style guide: https://owl(dot)english(dot)purdue(dot)edu/owl/resource/747/01/

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Executive Summary Report
The problems facing Mountainside Industries are not new but could derail the progress as well as the profitability of the company. The main issues can be said to be the lack of interdepartmental coordination as well as the disconnect between the executives and their subordinates. These issues need to be handled with immediate effect, or else the company will continue to struggle and, in the end, disintegrate. Below is an analysis of the situation at Mountainside Industries as well as recommendations to Mrs Hill.
When companies merge, it is normal for the problems of autonomy to persist for some time. These should always be expected and plans to help get all the industries on the same page should have been adopted and implemented a long time ago. The heads of the four small cottage industries should have been made aware of the changes that were expected as soon as the merger was complete.
Before appointing Don Henson as General Manager, Mrs Hill never involved the heads of the industries. Even though it was within her power to appoint whoever she wanted, she never gave them a chance to air their opinions. So, Don Henson’s appointment was not received well, and this could have led to the cold reaction accorded to him after the directive he gave. Mrs. Hill ought to have made Don Henson her proxy, and this should have been a public affair where all employees and their managers know that what he says mimics her wishes. There are indeed a few loopholes in what Mrs Hill did, but the situation can still be salvaged. Below are three recommendations that can help her change the retrogressive culture within her organization:
* Changing the corporate style of leadership – as indicated, Mrs Hill has been ...
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