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The Reasons and Consequences of Government Shutdown

Essay Instructions:

Here is the requirement.

Once again, we are facing the possibility of a government shut down. In your group please address

1- the reasons why we may be facing this problem

2- what could be the consequences of the shut down on employment, incomes, the market etc... You should pick one of those consequences and expand on it


you could look at a previous government shut down and explain

- why it happened?

- what were the consequences

- how did this situation end?

Your post should be limited to no more than 200 words, so organize your post well to address the issue

It is important to add an active link to your post showing the link to an article that you have used to support your position .

Essay Sample Content Preview:
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Professor’s Name
2013 Government Shutdown
The 2013 government shutdown occurred because members of Congress could not agree how to fund some government agencies. To be specific, the shutdown occurred because Republicans, who controlled the House, did not approve of the Affordable Care Act (ACA) (Montgomery and Kane par. 2). They wanted to defund the Act. However, when it was send to the Senate, which was controlled by the Democrats, it was quickly rejected. Given that Congress could not agree on the funding, the government faced shutdown.
The 2013 shutdown caused significant consequences. Over 2 million employees that worked for the federal government had their paychecks delayed while others were sent on leave. It is important to note that the provision of services by the government depends on federa...
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