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Marketing Article Critique: IT Does not Matter

Essay Instructions:

Do you agree with Carr that as information technology’s power and ubiquity grows, its strategic importance diminishes? Why or why not?

Where do you think the next IT-based strategic advantage may occur? Give an example.

In the original article in Harvard Business Review, Carr compares IT to other infrastructure technologies of the past including railroads, electric engine and makes the point that just as other infrastructure technologies became ubiquitous, they lost their ability to create competitive advantage, IT has become ubiquitous technology and has lost ability to create competitive advantage. Do you think that comparison between other technologies and IT is justified?

Would Carr’s arguments hold for all types of IT investments or just for infrastructure investments? Explain.

In the original article in Harvard Business Review, Carr raised a number of questions that senior business managers should raise about IT investments at their organizations. If you were asked to be part of the IT coordinating committee at your firm, what questions will you have for the CIO as you start evaluation plans and budgets for the next cycle? Would you encourage your CIO to take a wait and see approach to technology investments rather than being a leader? How do you expect the CIO to respond to these questions?

Would “cloud computing” lead to further commoditization of IT infrastructure? Would you ask your CIO to move away form owning the infrastructure investments and exploit cloud capabilities being made available by commercial vendors?

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Article Critique: IT Does not Matter
Carr’s article argues that IT no longer offers competitive advantages to businesses. I agree with Carr that as IT’s power and ubiquity grow, its strategic importance diminishes. This is the reason why we have new technologies emerging each day. Companies that make huge investments in new technologies end up disappointed when they learn of a better innovation in the market.
I think that the next IT-based strategic advantage would be in the automation of all operations in the service sector so that firms would not need human labor. Currently, industries are doing everything to reduce the cost of operation. The focus is on quality delivery. AI technology is already operational in the hospitality industry where robots serve passengers and welcome them on board. The next stage is to let the machines handle each operation.
When Carr compares IT to other technologies, I agree with his comparison. All other technologies that were powerful are outdated today. The only difference is that IT keeps on rejuvenating, rendering the early technology less relevant. ...
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