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Digital Marketing: Advantages and Disadvantages. Marketing Essay

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Digital Marketing: Advantages and Disadvantages
Digital marketing refers to the marketing that seeks to promote brands and reach customers through the utilization of advertising platforms in the electronic medium (Kahraman, Yazici and Karaşan 1). The rapid advancement of technology has made it possible for businesses and customers to interact through the internet. As such, digital marketers aim to reach customers through electronic devices such as cell phones and personal computers (Kahraman, Yazici and Karaşan 1). This paper examines the advantages and disadvantages of digital marketing, which is an increasingly common concept in today’s business environment.
One key advantage of digital marketing is that customers can connect to online content. It is the opinion of the majority of digital marketers that digital content appeal more to customers compared to a magazine advertisement (Das 30). The author also points out that it is crucial for a business to maintain a presence in social media platforms to keep up with marketing trends and engage with customers (Das 30). With the world continually advancing in regards to technology, it is deducible that digital marketing will continue to thrive more into the future.
Another advantage of digital marketing is that it enables tracking of the customer’s journey on the website of the business. Through analytics, it is possible to track the actions of customers on a firm’s website (Das 30). As such, a business can understand the preferences of the customers based on their actions. Consequently, a business can design the website and products based on the preferences of the customer.
Digital marketing also allows a business to realize a higher return on investment (ROI) and revenue (Das 30). When a company increases its digital reach out, it can reach new customers, and this translates to higher revenue. Also, it is possible for a business to get real-time results of a digital marketing initiative (Das 30). With a higher ROI and revenue, the growth of a business in the digital space can be accelerated.
The real-time data that is attained as a result of digital marketing help the business adapt easily to changes in the market (Das 31). Through observation and analysis of the real-time data obtained from analytics, responding to trends and actions of the targeted audience can be done easily. The digital marketing strategy can be modified to meet the preferences of customers. As informed by Das, digital marketing is instant, and a marketer does not need to make any guesses or rely on a sample data set (31). Based on the real performance data, all a marketer needs to do is the plan, execute, and adapt to market situations.
Finally, digital marketing can give a firm a competitive advantage over rivals (Das 31). Regardless of the size of the business, a well-designed marketing strategy can help a firm becom...
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