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Popularizing Cup Stacking for Creating and Developing Sports Brand Awareness

Essay Instructions:

1. https://www(dot)theringer(dot)com/sports/2018/10/18/17992498/axe-throwing-organized-sport

2. https://www(dot)nytimes(dot)com/2016/04/01/sports/sport-stacking-speed-cups.html


A major investment bank is willing to give you all the money you need to develop one of the properties above, if you can show how you will take the developing property and turn it into a major sports brand/property.

Choose (1) of the properties above and give (3) ways, supported by reasons, you can achieve turning the developing sports property into it into a major sports brand/property.

- To support your recommendations, find and read (3-5) additional articles in first or second tier media (eg. The New York Times (any major newspaper), Wall Street Journal, Sports Business Journal, Bloomberg, Wired, Fast Company, ESPN, Sports Illustrated, any major magazine, a city newspaper, major publication, not necessarily sports related), Bleacher Report, SB Nation, Deadspin, (any major website not necessarily sports related Wired, Entertainment Weekly, New York Magazine, New Yorker, The Atlantic, The New Republic, etc.) – the more recent the better – about this topic.

- Complete the assignment in no more than (3) pages,11-12 point type, double-spaced or 1.5 spaced,

Essay Sample Content Preview:
Date Developing Property to Sports Brand Sports stacking has grown in popularity where eye-hand and speed ​​coordination, are crucial to one stacking the objects, mostly cups fast enough and following the predetermined structure (Stinchcomb).  Sports stacking has mostly been associated with students and young adults, and development of the sport can foster teamwork and work together for a common goal.   While cup stacking helps improve coordination, developing the property would also highlight that the facility would support different aspects and facilitate working together (CBS). The typical cup stacking game has 12 cups, and the players arrange them in the required sequence as fast as possible. Developing a section for games like cup stacking, having an indoor sports arena and branding efforts are necessary to create and develop the sports brand. Dedicating a section for cup stacking and indoor games that do not require much space and many competitors competing at the same time is one option. The case for this is that there is a greater focus on developing individual skills and this is open to individuals and small teams, whereby players who use both speed their cup stacking abilities. For instance,   when people are through with cup stacking the space can be used for other games like ping pong. These types of games emphasize motor abilities and eye-hand coordination skills, which would help the participants, build different skills that are applicable beyond one sport and sporting activities. Similarly, vocational and personal development is prioritized to improve health outcome where there is a collaboration between players/ participants, in an environment where there is access to resources adapted to the interests of the cup stackers. While cup staking would remain one of the sporting activities promotion and branding would also emphasize the overall indoor sports environment. While individuals can stack cups, there are options to partners or teams working together to make bigger stacks.  It is easier to improve and learn cup stacking when people develop their eye-hand coordination skills in cup stacking (Seminara). The indoor sporting activities would attract more fans and sports enthusiasts besides the young people. Efforts to improve the brand then would include indoor sports marketing to reach out to more people, and the facility can be used at any time of the year regardless of the year since it is accessible and convenient.   People will be able to access the indoor sports facility and use, according to the regulations, and if spending more time, there will pay...
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