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Paper based on speakers' presentation. Technology Management-Tom Grill

Essay Instructions:

Topic: Technology Management - Tom Grill, 01/24/19 (Presentation ppt and abstract Provided)

Essay Structure:

Outline: Before writing the paper create an outline for the paper based on the structure for the paper described in the next four points. You MUST attach your outline at the end of your paper. Carefully read the next four points before creating your outline.

1. Divide your paper into sections and subsections, each with an appropriate heading. Each paragraph should only contain one idea, which is clearly stated the beginning of the paragraph, and then developed in the paragraph.

2. Set-up of a theme for your paper (1-2 paragraph): Develop a creative, thought-provoking theme or hypothesis for your paper. This theme should be within the context of the (clearly stated) key product/ technology, and/or business/management, and/or commercialization issues addressed in the speaker's presentation.

3. Develop the theme (8-10 paragraphs). Develop your theme or hypothesis with suitable arguments, supported by evidence and examples. Be sure that the technology issues (e.g. a company's technology and product line) and business issues (e.g. marketing and sales strategy) that you discuss are clearly related to the specific context of the speaker's presentation (e.g. how distribution channels are used to market products etc). provide several concrete examples (e.g. examples of successful research projects at Microsoft, Seagate's markets and products, etc).

4. End the theme (1-2 paragraphs): Re-examine your theme or hypothesis. Does it still stand; does it need to be refined, or changed? What conclusions can you draw from this seminar presentation relative to the development, management, and commercialization of technologies and products? What are the technology, business, and management challenges and opportunities going forward?

Use the following sources of information: My uploaded materials and internet on relevant companies and topics.

Feel free to come up with a topic as you want.

I would appreciate it if you can follow the instruction above to write the paper

Thank you!

Essay Sample Content Preview:
Student’s Name
A Paper Based on Speaker Notes
Technology management is a set of management disciplines that enables an organization to manage technological fundamentals and create a competitive advantage. The events of the Chief Information Officer bring together all the expertise in the CIO brand and extensive leadership of the IT peers. Technology management requires deeper management of the; life cycles of technology, system, products, and processes. Some of the commercialization challenges involved in the technological field are lack of time and interest. People have a negative attitude towards the research field conflicts of interest, bureaucratic interruptions lack of business knowledge and commercialization knowledge. Additionally, the World of Intellectual Property is a nice example that indicates how the value of intellectual properties can be increased through the leverage of complementary assets. This means that if people can invent more, they can progress further in product development. This is because the buyers of technology need a discount for the risks they are willing to take and the amount of money they are ready to spend. Therefore the more individuals have done to establish both technical and business feasibility of the ideas; the more such businesses are likely to attract customers. However, product development is not easy, and often it is very expensive, these organizations need to decide on their desirable expertise and capacity.
The Chief Information Officer works in collaboration with the employees in identifying how Information technology can assists the organization is achieving its financial and business goals. CIO is the vice president. The Chief Information Officer provides some resources’ to the IT team strategies and directs the business. The Chief Information officer is supposed to empower the employees of an organization in steering up projects (Treat, Pg 67). The CIO is supposed to assist personally when needed.
Information Technology infrastructure
Information technology Infrastructure refers to the composite software, network resources hardware and services that are required for the existence of management and operations of the expertise Information technology environment. Some of the components of the network include WAN, LAN, Wi-Fi and internet enabled with routing, switching and access points (Rangaraju, Pg 210). A data center is a centralized location where networking and computing take place, some of the Datacenter challenges include capacity planning and management, real-time monitoring and reporting, energy efficiency and cost minimization as well as maintenance of uptime and performance. Some of the proposed data center solutions include computer capacity, storage, and virtualization whereby new storage vendors have emerged.
The process of Information Technology
The process of information technology defines how an organization uses networking, computer programs, and their processes to retrieve, store protect and transmit information with the organization. Information Technology process is very critical. There are five stages in Information Technology processes (Brinker, Pg 200). These processes include IT operations and infrastructure, security of information, communications, applications, and business management system. Additionally, there are important components of the IT process. These components include projects methodology, support, system configuration and standards (Rangaraju, Pg 115). Consistent support helps in reducing problems and incidents of frequency and response time. Additionally, system configuration supports the client system and ensures there are uptime and productivity among the employees. Lastly, when it comes to standards the adoption of ITIL assists depending on the size and m...
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