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1 pages/≈275 words
Business & Marketing
English (U.S.)
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Netflix E-commerce Whitepaper. Outline Business & Marketing Essay

Essay Instructions:

IMPORTANT: I only need the OUTLINE of a paper.

About the paper:

Evaluate a company's E-Commerce activities through economic analysis (Competitive landscape, competition, e-commerce presence, barriers to entry, economies of scale, fixed & marginal costs, first mover or fast second, customer targeting, product differentiation, business/revenue models, pricing, bundling, privacy, etc). Analyze their current strategy, future options & take a position on their future.

Company: Netflix

Outline Requirements (Include everything below in the outline):

1. Title: Feel free to come up with a title

2. Executive Summary (Abstract): Uploaded my abstract for you, feel free to revise

3. Introduction

4. Current Status/Background: -Revenue Model; Competition; Pricing; Target Market(s); Marketing; etc

5. Future Recommendations: -New Mission Statement; Pricing; Target Market(s); Marketing Strategy; Partnerships; Metrics for success; etc

6. Conclusion/ Summary

* Include Graphs, Charts, Images where/when relevant

I would appreciate it that if you can follow the requirements above. And remember I need the outline ONLY, but with all elements included.

Essay Sample Content Preview:
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Netflix E-commerce Whitepaper
* Executive Summary
E-commerce (electronic commerce) is an online shopping where people may either buy or sell their goods or services via the internet. Different companies are engaging global consumers using e-commerce technology. This paper focuses on Netflix - one of the largest online video streaming networks that allow customers to watch television shows, movies and documentaries. Netflix offers various services including DVD and Blu-ray discs rental by mail and developing and producing its shows. This paper discusses how Netflix has transcended the e-commerce industry by becoming a global giant in video streaming. The paper draws supporting information from the company’s website, peer-reviewed journals, and ...
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