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E-waste could be used in Billion Dollar Industry

Essay Instructions:

You will be assigned ten legal news assignments throughout the semester. Don't forget about them; they are "easy" ways to earn points toward your final grade.
Each legal news assignment will be assigned a topic, relating to the legal topic being covered in class. To earn the full ten points, you must:
1. Research a current news item that relates to the topic assigned. "Current" means a news item within the last six months.
2. Use a reputable news source. Consider researching The New York Times, CNN, MSNBC, The Boston Globe, The Washington Post, The Lowell Sun, or any ohter newspaper from a major city. The Associated Press and Reuters are also acceptable. Do NOT cite to social media, buzzfeed, popsugar or a blog. These are not "news" sources.
3. Your summary must be 2 - 3 full paragraphs, in complete sentences. Please summarize what the news item is, and how it relates to our business law topic.
4. Turn in your Legal News item on time.

Essay Sample Content Preview:
E-waste could be used in Billion Dollar Industry: Experts (2 Feb 2019. Daily Sun Newspaper)
Environmental degradation is one of the challenges that the government and economies all over the world are facing. It is evident that as the population increases so does the rate of pollution. To curb the trend governments have come up with various ways to either completely finish the menace or reduce the effects. Carbon emission policies, e-waste policy, and other sustainable policies for green economy have been enacted to prevent business and firms from pollution. Among the common types of pollution is e-waste. According to the daily newspaper, the increased use of electronic appliances and devices has increased the huge e-waste. The article by the daily sun newspapers looks at e-waste and points out the need for more strict rules on e-waste management policy.
The daily sun states that in an economy such as Bangladesh, t...
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