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Digital Marketing in Netflix

Essay Instructions:

What specific digital marketing/advertising does your chosen company engage in? Provide an example and explain what their strategy is with example you selected.  4. What future recommendations are considering for your chosen company? Provide two examples and explain how these recommendations will benefit your company moving forward. Be sure the two recommendations are E-Commerce related.

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Name Tutor Course Date Digital Marketing in Netflix Apart from the favorite TV shows that Netflix airs, the company is also known for its brilliant marketing campaigns that have been critical to its growth. This can be confirmed by the drastic increase in the number of subscribers over the past few years. The greatest lesson that one can pick from the company is that quality sells. Creation of original content is the major reason why the company has grown to overcome other platforms and to survive all the controversies it has faced along the way. The company could have easily settled on airing content that the viewers are familiar with like other video streaming services. However, it chose to invest millions of dollars in the creation of original content. This has largely contributed to its success. Various marketing strategies are employed by the company to cement its position at the top of the market. Efficient interaction with the customers is one of the strategies that Netflix employs. The company makes use of a personal ...
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