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The Economic Organization of a P.O.W Camp Summary

Essay Instructions:

You are then to submit a paper that answers the following questions:

  1. Prisoners were both suppliers and consumers in this market. The marginal rate of substitution is the rate at which a consumer is willing to exchange one good for another (ie, 2 apples for one orange). Discuss how the marginal rate of substitution behaved during different times in the camp, and the role the “cigarette currency” played in these variations, or the lack thereof. Limit your answer to one page.

  2. Scarcity is a requirement of an economic problem. Early in the article, the author says “Very soon after capture people realized that it was both undesirable and unnecessary, in view of the limited size and the equality of supplies, to give away or to accept gifts of cigarettes or food.”

Explain what the author meant by this and how it changed the behavior of the prisoners toward one another. Do you think this was immoral on the part of the prisoners, or a reasonable response to the situation? Limit your response to one page.

Essay Sample Content Preview:
The Economic Organization of a P.O.W Camp by R.A. Ranford
Question 1
The marginal rate of substitution between cigarettes and other commodities was relatively equal initially when the author pinched camp in Italy at a transit camp. A cigarette was exchanged for a chocolate ration. With the growth of the barter trade, food exchanges increased where the worth of jam was 1/21b of margarine and extras and not any other foodstuff. However, at the permanent camp, the marginal rate of substitution varied greatly where every commodity was priced in terms of cigarettes. The cigarette’s rate of substitution was high compared to any other good. It was the standard of value. For instance, a cheese would go for seven cigarettes while coffee extract attracted fancy prices in cigarettes or biscuits.
In Germany’s permanent camps, the marginal rate of substitution of cigarettes to other merchandises was high. Sales were made in terms of cigarettes leading to the cigarette full currency status. For instance, a laundryman would substitute a garment for two cigarettes; a coffee vendor is selling cocoa, tea or coffee at two cigarettes a cup. Unfortunately, the common use of the “cigarette” currency led to hoarding creating an imbalance in the supply and demand of commodities causing inflation or deflation in the economy. Lack of availability of cigarette adversely affected the price of other goods.
The variations of the worth of merchandises based on cigar...
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