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Ecological Performance Standards for Cities

Essay Instructions:

Write a two to three page essay in which you discuss (a) what is meant by ecological performance standards for cities (b) why the concept of ecological performance standards for cities provides an innovative approach to urban sustainability and (c) describe at least three ways that these standards can be implemented to promote urban sustainability. (Underline each of the three ways when you first mention them.) Your essay should be based on a July 2, 2018 video in which Janine Benyus, the pioneer of biomimicry, explains the concept of ecological performance standards for cities. See the July 2, 2018 video: Cities that Function Like Forests: Biomimicry Maps A Sustainable Future

Essay Sample Content Preview:
Name: Institution Affiliation: Instructor: Course: Date: Ecological Performance Standards for Cities Introduction Ecological performance helps in determining and measuring the impact of human activities on ecological and economic performance. Sustainability efforts from different cities all over the world are creative to ensure mindful and cautious of the urban ecosystems. It is essential to ensure that the local ecosystems provide many benefits to urban centers as well as nature; the advantages provided may include supporting biodiversity and ecosystem services. Additionally, sustainability also help in shaping the impacts linked with the cities such as pollution and other natural hazards. This paper will explain ecological performance standards for cities, explain why this concept offers innovative techniques for urban sustainability and ways through which it can be implemented to promote urban sustainability. The ecological performance standards of the cities are goals or merits that challenges the urban centers and major cities to offer the same quantities and levels of ecosystem services that are exhibited in the native ecosystems. The merits of what the cities should provide are based on factors such as the amount of clean water produced every year, the quantity of soil build, the amount of biodiversity supported. Additionally, ecological performance standards may be viewed as the aspirational goals that motivate the cities to either meet or exceed the biodiversity merits provided by the natural ecosystems. Ecological performance stan...
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