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System Selection: Managers And The Staff Of The Hotel

Essay Instructions:

Please click the link Pacific Rim Case Study.pdf to download the case study and answer the following questions (each question is worth 5 points):

1. Identify the members of the PMS selection team. Who would you involve in the PMS selection process? (Think in terms of different hotel operating departments)

2 . What steps do you have to take to select the right PMS for this hotel? In which order? Explain.

3. Prepare the list of PMS functions that reflect the needs of the Pacific Rim Hotel.

4. Identify the evaluation criteria (e.g., price, vendor reputation, etc.) and method (e.g., simple ranking, rating scale, weighted average). Explain why you chose that approach.

5. Identify three (3) PMS systems on the market that may be selected by the hotel. For every alternative provide the name of the software and the website link. Explain how you would choose between these three options.

Essay Sample Content Preview:
The members of the PMS selection team would involve both the managers and the staff of the hotel. The team would consist of the general manager of Pacific Rim, Mr. John Asbett for his insight on how the hotel runs and why he thinks using Fidelio Opera PMS is convenient. Mr. Tokuno is also another key member to be included in the team since it is Ohayo Group that is investing. The staff of the hotel to be involved in the organization are front office personnel as they keep most the hotels files and data, the reservation staff as they can help map the hotel traffic easily, the marketing personnel as they can provide estimated number of clientele visiting the hotel from their marketing, the human resource representatives as they have the details of the employees, Sales representatives, and the accounting representatives.
The first thing is to constitute a team that is made up of both the managers and staff the Pacific Rim Hotel to ensure that the PMS caters for almost all of the needs in the hotel through evaluation from different perspectives. The next step is to assess the needs of the business; in this case, the hotels business processes such as guest inquiries, reservations, check-ins, and check-outs. The next process is to prioritize on what is essential for the business by giving attention to the basic requirements which have to be considered in the platform such as marketing and operational needs. The budget for the proposed PMS is what follows next, based on the amount Mr. Tokuno has allocated for the PMS, the system whose price range is closer to the budget is given priority. Finally, evaluating the available option consulting other hotels of the same stature on the methods they use ("Selecting a Hotel Property Management System."
The function list of what the Pacific Rim Hotel would require to reflect its needs include: an easy to use reservation that allows all front desk staff a chance to view check-in information quickly; a vendor support service (Point-of-sale service) to enable clients to handle transactions efficiently in the hotel; availa...
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