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High-Performance Work Organizations

Essay Instructions:

Instruction: What constitutes high performance in a workplace? How have "worksite" and "organization" changed over the nineties and 2000s? What is the role of technology in a HiPO today?

With reference to the following article, and comparing your current work experience with those of your parents and grandparents, assess your workplace in terms of the concepts discussed under HiPO? Consider the role of technology in your case.

PS:I am doing internship at a marketing department in a Real estate company in Shanghai, mainly focus on doing research on price change of each place in China.(based on this knowledge and the reading i provide write about 2 pages)

Essay Sample Content Preview:
Name: Professor’s name: Course: Date: High-Performance Work Organizations The increasing competition in the global economy calls for the reassessment and re-evaluation of business and organizational strategies towards achieving sustainable growth and development across the various economic sectors. Corporate organizations and key industrial players across the different economic sectors strive to maintain their diverse market share by adopting strategic initiatives for high performance in their fields of specialization. The outcome of such initiatives is the achievement of becoming one of the high-performance organizations, which guarantees positive results upon effective application. High-performance organizations are characteristic of sustainable growth and development in whatever field, or line of specialty the business entity operates CITATION Kir99 \l 1033 (Kirkman). However, the esteemed status in the globalized economy comes at a price of effective and comprehensive application five key features or components characterizing such organizations. High-performing organizations are business entities with an effective integrated system of operations consisting of two key elements, human and technological resources CITATION Kir99 \l 1033 (Kirkman). In essence, HIPOs are entities characterized by self-managing teams of employees, active participation of employees through involvement in key functions of the organization as well as their recognition or empowerment for their inputs, total quality management, use of production technologies, and commitment to continuous learning CITATION Kir99 \l 1033 (Kirkman). In line with the outlined features of high-performing organizations, business entities are fast adapting to the emerging trends in the global economy towards achieving excellent performances in their diverse economic sectors. The working environments, for instance, in most of the organizations are making positive changes as the entities seek...
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