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The Democrat's Green New Deal in Pursuit of Global Environmental Sustainability

Essay Instructions:

You will be assigned ten legal news assignments throughout the semester. Don't forget about them; they are "easy" ways to earn points toward your final grade.

Each legal news assignment will be assigned a topic, relating to the legal topic being covered in class. To earn the full ten points, you must:

1. Research a current news item that relates to the topic assigned. "Current" means a news item within the last six months.

2. Use a reputable news source. Consider researching The New York Times, CNN, MSNBC, The Boston Globe, The Washington Post, The Lowell Sun, or any ohter newspaper from a major city. The Associated Press and Reuters are also acceptable. Do NOT cite to social media, buzzfeed, popsugar or a blog. These are not "news" sources.

3. Your summary must be 2 - 3 full paragraphs, in complete sentences. Please summarize what the news item is, and how it relates to our business law topic.

4. Turn in your Legal News item on time.

Essay Sample Content Preview:
Global Environmental Sustainability (Green New Deal)
Companies, organization, government arms, and individuals have consequently been asked to maintain a clean environment to prevent and slow down the degradation rate. The above effect has even seen the government introduce some legislative laws and policy to curb environmental degradation, especially on carbon emissions. Today as Lisa observes in her article, these laws and policies are still being developed and enforced daily. The following summer of Lisa article "liberal democrats formally call for a Green New Deal, Giving Substance to a Rallying Cry" will prove the above.
Lisa Friedman reports on climate at The New York Time newspaper, she previously held the post for an editor at climate wire and had covered over nine international climate talks. Liberal Democrats recently pushed the Green New Deal, which calls for climate change and elimination of Carbon emissions by 2030. The Green New Deal is intended to provide a legislative prospect for the foreseeable future by bring...
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