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Global Social Impact Report Analysis Business & Marketing Essay

Essay Instructions:

Choose ONE of the following four areas of the Startbucks CSR report to discuss in further detail.

Given your analysis, what recommendation(s) do you have for the organization and why? Your recommendation(s) should be directly linked and supported by the data that was provided in your analysis. Be specific.

Given your analysis, what recommendation(s) do you have for the organization and why? Your recommendation(s) should be directly linked and supported by the data that was provided in your analysis. Be specific while giving consideration for total cost, time, and return on investment.

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Creating Opportunities That Matter
Starbucks has been committed to creating opportunities for all people who are capable and willing to join its racially, ethnically and nationally diverse workforce. Starbucks has also sought to expand its opportunities program to encompass veterans, youth, and refugees. It has also instituted programs to create opportunities for its employee to improve their skill set and knowledge. The employee program is aimed at making college a reality for the employees. At the moment, more than 1,000 partners have diplomas in hand, and more than 9,000 are working towards their degree. The goal is to enable at least 25,000 graduates by 2025 through their program. Starbuck’s veteran program launched in 2013 aimed at hiring at least 10,000 veterans by 2018 was realized 18 months earlier, and the company has commissioned to hire 25,000 more veterans by 2025. It is a move to honor those who have served the country and their families. The company has country-specific products in China and India. In China, it gives illegible partners to house subsidy for partners with aging parents. In India it allows employees to work for five days rather than six. Starbucks has also rolled out a plan to hire 10,000 refugees in the next five years with its global network. Starbucks together with other employers has rolled out a new plan to hire at least 1 million youths by 2021 after achieving their goal to hire 100,000 youths by 2018 having hired one in five of all the other 50 employers of the earlier set target. Starbucks has rolled out community stores to train locals on various things that can add value to their lives. The main goal of these projects initiated by Starbucks is to improve the communities around where each of its stores is located and create impact on issues that matter CITATION QSR17 \l 1033 (QSR Magazine, 2017). It also aims to improve the value of its employees and give opportunities to those who need it most i.e. Veterans and their spouses, youths. It has also created a plan to enable its employees to get more educ...
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