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Ethical Issue in Business World Writing Assignment

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Please write an article that includes: An overview about this topic - Employees always work at an excessively long hours in some companies. How this issue(excessive working hours for employees) should be treated within a Christian worldview of ethics.

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Ethical Issue in Business World
Managers require their staff to put in long days as well as donate their off hours without complaining. The subjects in this reckoning have slight or no rheostat; overload forces from the top of the structural pyramid to the bottommost. In this version we work past the normal hours since our bosses require us to do so. Another explanation says that all of us, including the top management, are basically refuse rocked about by the whirlpools of technologies, corporate culture as well as economic incentive that keep the workplace just a tap away. This shows that nobody is really dictating the above norms; all individuals seem to be reacting to forces that are beyond their control. According to federal law, employees who work for long hours require to be given an extra pay.
Working for a pay that has been set can be a great deal for the employees. In addition, it can give them the flexibility they deserve. They work for extra hours when there is a heavy workload and go home early when the task is light. Workers do not necessarily have to overwork in order to put food on their tables. Many firms require their employees to work for long hours as well as travel extensively. Workers who either have to attend to their young kids or take care of the elderly relatives or similar tasks finds that by working for long hours is to some extent putting their careers in jeopardy. Some of them feel that it is unethical for their basses to expect a lot from them at the expense of their tasks at home as caregivers and parents.
Research has shown that burning the midnight oil is not taking sides. In fact, it hurts the firms we are working for. In addition, it has shown that overworking as well as the resulting stress can lead to heart disease, impaired memory, diabetes, heavy drinking, depression as well as impaired sleep. The above problems are terrible to a firm in terms of absenteeism, costs of health insurance as well as turnover. Researchers have found that overwork and its exhaustion as well as the accompanying stress can cause a lot of problems in the workplace. An employee can make a lot of mistakes when working for long hours either voluntarily or when he or she is forced to do so. Research has also found that working for long hours can lead to health problems.
Popularity as well as advancement in technology of overworking makes an employee to earn an extra payment. However, overworking employees are becoming a real issue in the workplace. Just because the employee is working harder does not mean that he or she is performing better. Investigation has shown that overworking employees do more harm than good for the worker as well as for the firm. With computers, cell phones in addition to the internet, people are working for long hours than ever before. However, this does not mean that they are the healthiest or the most productive. Indeed, this increase in the workplace has brought more resentment than gratitude from the affected workers. Work is becoming tremendously invasive on personal interval, and today’s know-hows mean that the interference is only growing. Studies have shown that the stress level of overworked employees is increasing at an alarming rate. Additionally, the stress is carried to their relationship with their spouses as well as other family members.
Studies have also shown that overworked workers have a negative effect on the firms that have hired them. Businesses have been incurring surprising costs in order to cover the increase of errors in the workplace. In addition, the firm has to cover for illnesses related to stress that follows overworking. It has been proved that overworked workers incur behavioral health costs than any other causes of illness. 30 percent of workers maintain a certain percentage of contact with the client, co-workers, management or supervisors outside their scheduled working time. It has been suggested that you contact your employer if you feel that you are being overworked before the issue worsens. It is much wiser to deal with a problem before it becomes worse. The more an employer allows him/herself become overworked, the greater the precedent he or she is setting. If the worker doesn’t raise the issue, the employer will not realize that something is going wrong. The employer will continue to assign you with the workload until he realizes that it is an issue. The employee does not need to make it a tense discussion. He or she need to seek for a chance to speak with the boss and calmly seek for a solution in an amicable way. A mutual beneficial agreement can be reached by following this route. We are increasingly becoming a workaholic world. However, overworking is not certainly good for our mental as well as our physical health. Studies have shown that overworking doubles the risk of stroke and heart attack. In addition, it ups the risk of suffering from depression. Other research associates overworking with insomnia, anxiety and depression, as well as high divorcing rates and weight gain.
Studies have shown that burning the mid night oil can lead to fatigue as well as other related issues thus leading to an outcome that is of low quality. In fact, the workers might be able to finish a lot of work but of a doubtful quality. Research has revealed that by allowing the workers time to be away from the office, their time in the workplace is expected to be efficient. The grater an individual overworks him/herself the greater the chances of poor quality life as well as premature death. Normal hours of working meant some hours left for rest and for recreation. Abnormal working hours are not an up-to-date spectacle.
Spending long hours at work can help you to meet your deadlines. However, those long hours can have a negative effect on your mental as well as physical health. When you spend the important part of your day working then you might not have enough time to rest and face the challenges of the following day. That can lead to several problems as well as raise the risks of heart attack. Your health is destined to suffer if the only exercise you get is to walk from the parking lot to the office. Research has revealed that majority of people who work for long hours are likely to suffer from diabetes as well as heart attack. Long working hours and not having enough time to rest can lead to depression as well as increasing the chances of developing a major depressing incident. Your stress level can rise by struggling to handle a heavy workload in a short period of time. Although family members might be a source of comfort, you can become more stressed if the members of the family do not understand why you have to spend a lot of time at work.
Many people think that the can accomplish more by working for long hours, but that is not always the case. In fact, the ability of your mind can decline as you overwork yourself. If you overwork yourself regularly and you start to notice negative effects on your life, it is the high time you change the way you think about job. Even though knowhow allows you to work anywhere, which is not the best solution for your mental as well as physical health. Leave job behind when you go home and resist the urge of checking your emails and phone messages constantly. Studies have shown that working for long hours can affect the productivity of your job in the long run.
It is not doubtful that technology has simplified the way we carry out our daily routines. Computers help us to do things easily as well as quickly. However, working for long hours has become the norm for many workers. It is over those activities that everyone knows that is hurting, but no one is ready to listen. We fail to give healthy balance a priority. A number of recent studies have shown that working for long hours is not suitable for our health. Health problems that are related to working for long hours include irritability, regular sleepiness, headache, and fatigue among other impacts. Employees who believe that they are being overworked are not whining on their job. In fact, most of them say that they enjoy facing the challenges that are being presented to them in the workplace. In addition, they claim that they feel fulfilled when they are busy and not when they are idle. However, even when an individual enjoys his or her job and feel fulfilled when busy overworking problems have to be addressed with the seriousness that is deserved.
This is the high time employees put their life first and their job second. According to experts on stress m...
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