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Distinctive Strategies to Work Effectively in Groups

Essay Instructions:

You are chairing a meeting in which one member whom everyone dislikes is aggressively promoting an idea. Time is short, and everyone in the group is ready to make a decision that will go against the disliked member's position. You realize the unpopular idea does have real merit, but lending your support and urging further discussion will put the group further behind and leave the other members annoyed with you.

Develop a 2-3 page paper in which you suggest three different ways you could handle the situation. For each, write out the specific comments you would make in each of the different scenarios. Discuss advantages and disadvantages of each scenario. Use at least two credible sources (strive to use one reliable source from the library) on effective group work to support the strategies you suggest.

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Please reference the text book as often as possible

Chapter 19

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Working Effectively in Groups
Teamwork entails the ability of individuals to work uniformly to achieve common objectives. These people unite and through effective interpersonal communication, they create relationships that enable them to collectively make proper decisions or address problems that might arise. However, it is not automatic that all members should like each other. In the scenario at hand, one member is disliked by others. Although this person is aggressively promoting an idea, as a chairperson, it is my duty to ensure that everyone is given time to share their ideas and opinions. As such, the paper focuses on three distinctive strategies to handle the situation without forgetting their advantages and disadvantages.
Norming is the first strategy that might help to unite all group members. Indeed, it involves establishing unspoken and spoken rules on how communication will occur within the group (University of Minnesota Libraries Publishing 593). Even though team members might dislike an individual in the team, they should not hinder him or her from sharing his or her ideas and opinions. Besides, conflicts in a group are inevitable and the most significant thing the chairperson should do is to unite members so that they can work together. The advantages of norming include retaining respect and dignity for all group members, giving everyone a chance to speak, and minimizing unnecessary conflicts. However, the primary disadvantage is the lack of support for ideas given by a group member who is disliked by others.
The second strategy is to promote cultural and team member diversity. Team members come from diverse ethnic, racial, or cultural backgrounds and have different intellectual skills. That is what makes them contribute effectively through critical thinking and creativity to achieve the set objectives or vision. The reconciliation of members’ differences enables them to collaborate so that they cohesively and successfully finish the tasks at hand (Jones 2...
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