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Process Analysis of a Project Related to Women of Gee's Bend

Essay Instructions:

Based on your Found Object project, write an essay in one of the following rhetorical modes:

Process analysis


Comparison and contrast

Process analysis: From reading your paper, your audience should be able to learn how you made your project. If you're going to write an informative process analysis, focus more on the narrative element of your experience with this project than step-by-step directions. Share what was going on in your life or what you were thinking/feeling as you made your project. If you're going to write a directive process analysis, focus more on providing a step-by-step guide. Note that in this rhetorical mode, process analysis, whether or not to incorporate the quilters of Gee's Bend into your paper is up to you, but you must incorporate at least one source from the class materials.

Comparison and contrast: Compare and/or contrast your experience making your project with one (or more) of the women from Gee's Bend. Choose an aspect of a Gee's Bend quilter's life, personality, or creative outlook, and compare/contrast it with your experience. You can write either a classic or a keyhole comparison-contrast essay.

Use these questions to spark ideas for your thesis. They apply to both rhetorical modes:

What are five things that stick in your mind about the process of making your project?

Did making your project during this uncertain time impact you emotionally?

Did making your project help you deal with anxiety? Or did it add to your anxiety?

What surprised you about the process?

If you got assistance, how did collaboration help you?

What were your friends' and/or family's reactions to your project?

What did making your project teach you about sustainability?

What did making your project teach you about your own creativity?

What did making your project teach you about your family or community?

What are you going to do with your project?

Is your project an art piece? Or will it be for everyday use?

How did making your project help you relate to the women of Gee’s Bend?

Many of the Gee's Bend quilts were made during hard times. Can you draw connections between the circumstances under which they were made and the circumstances under which you made your project?

Essay requirements:

750 - 1000 words

Citation is optional, but if you use any sources -- including from our class materials -- you must cite them in MLA style. (Here's an instructional video on in-text citation. (Links to an external site.) Here's one on Works Cited.) (Links to an external site.)

one image of your project or you or someone working on your project

can be written from a first-person (I/we) point-of-view (Click here for explanation.) (Links to an external site.)

proper essay format (downloadable template)

typed double-spaced

font size no larger than 12 points

1-inch margins

Head your paper! (Or you will lose at least 10 points)

Watch and read these related materials:

The Quiltmakers of Gee's Bend (Links to an external site.) documentary

New York Times article (Links to an external site.): "In order to understand the brutality of American capitalism, you have to start on the plantation." (This article is also available as a PDF document under Files.)

Gee's Bend Quiltmakers (Links to an external site.)

Quilts of Gee's Bend slideshow (Links to an external site.)

"The Master Quilters of Gee’s Bend" (Links to an external site.)

"The Alabama Women Who Made Their Quilts a Part of Modern Art" (Links to an external site.)

"Can You Copyright a Quilt?" (Links to an external site.)

Reading Module 1 -- Types of Rhetorical Modes: "Comparison and Contrast" and "Process Analysis"

Reading Module 4

Achtung, baby! (<-- This means take heed)

Even if you become an essay writing machine, do not submit your essay before completing all Weekly Discussion Forums due before 10/16.

The following content is partner provided

Based on your Found Object project, write an essay in one of the following rhetorical modes:

Process analysis


Comparison and contrast

Process analysis: From reading your paper, your audience should be able to learn how you made your project. If you're going to write an informative process analysis, focus more on the narrative element of your experience with this project than step-by-step directions. Share what was going on in your life or what you were thinking/feeling as you made your project. If you're going to write a directive process analysis, focus more on providing a step-by-step guide. Note that in this rhetorical mode, process analysis, whether or not to incorporate the quilters of Gee's Bend into your paper is up to you, but you must incorporate at least one source from the class materials.

Comparison and contrast: Compare and/or contrast your experience making your project with one (or more) of the women from Gee's Bend. Choose an aspect of a Gee's Bend quilter's life, personality, or creative outlook, and compare/contrast it with your experience. You can write either a classic or a keyhole comparison-contrast essay.

Use these questions to spark ideas for your thesis. They apply to both rhetorical modes:

What are five things that stick in your mind about the process of making your project?

Did making your project during this uncertain time impact you emotionally?

Did making your project help you deal with anxiety? Or did it add to your anxiety?

What surprised you about the process?

If you got assistance, how did collaboration help you?

What were your friends' and/or family's reactions to your project?

What did making your project teach you about sustainability?

What did making your project teach you about your own creativity?

What did making your project teach you about your family or community?

What are you going to do with your project?

Is your project an art piece? Or will it be for everyday use?

How did making your project help you relate to the women of Gee’s Bend?

Many of the Gee's Bend quilts were made during hard times. Can you draw connections between the circumstances under which they were made and the circumstances under which you made your project?

Essay requirements:

750 - 1000 words

Citation is optional, but if you use any sources -- including from our class materials -- you must cite them in MLA style. (Here's an instructional video on in-text citation. (Links to an external site.) Here's one on Works Cited.) (Links to an external site.)

one image of your project or you or someone working on your project

can be written from a first-person (I/we) point-of-view (Click here for explanation.) (Links to an external site.)

proper essay format (downloadable template)

typed double-spaced

font size no larger than 12 points

1-inch margins

Head your paper! (Or you will lose at least 10 points)

Watch and read these related materials:

The Quiltmakers of Gee's Bend (Links to an external site.) documentary

New York Times article (Links to an external site.): "In order to understand the brutality of American capitalism, you have to start on the plantation." (This article is also available as a PDF document under Files.)

Gee's Bend Quiltmakers (Links to an external site.)

Quilts of Gee's Bend slideshow (Links to an external site.)

"The Master Quilters of Gee’s Bend" (Links to an external site.)

"The Alabama Women Who Made Their Quilts a Part of Modern Art" (Links to an external site.)

"Can You Copyright a Quilt?" (Links to an external site.)

Reading Module 1 -- Types of Rhetorical Modes: "Comparison and Contrast" and "Process Analysis"

Reading Module 4

Achtung, baby! (<-- This means take heed)

Even if you become an essay writing machine, do not submit your essay before completing all Weekly Discussion Forums due before 10/16.

The following content is partner provided

Essay Sample Content Preview:
Student Name
Instructor’s Name
Course Section
“If there is a will, there is a way," as the saying goes. Sometimes, one wishes to accomplish or achieve something but lacks the necessary resources. If this person is resourceful and creative, they will look for ways to accomplish or achieve something. The statement relates to the women of Gee’s Bend. They made quilts to keep themselves and their children warm without running water or electricity. However, because they lacked resources and could not afford to buy the materials needed to make quilts, they made do with what they had (Leahey). Perhaps the primary motivation for them to make the quilts were their children. Their children are priceless to them, and they will go to any length to ensure their safety and well-being. There is, indeed, a way if there is a will.
In one of the projects in school, the instructor tasked us to create a found object project. When the instructor announced the project, many ideas popped into my head. However, for this project, I decided to make slippers. One of my grandmother’s stories inspired this concept. My grandmother used to tell me that she made slippers for my grandfather because they could not afford them. Also, because my grandfather works on a farm, he requires slippers to protect his feet from sharp or dangerous farm objects. As a result, I decided to make slippers inspired by my loved ones’ stories, and I ensured that they would look presentable and wonderful.
Creating the found object project is simple, and I had fun doing it. The first step was to look for the necessary materials for the project. I found used cardboard that will serve as the slippers’ sole and a fabric I will use to design the slippers. Following that, I obtained the other materials I would require, such as scissors, a pencil, and an adhesive. Then I measured my feet and the length of the strap on cardboard and cut them out. I used several sheets of cardboard to ensure the slippers’ durability. Then I measured the fabric for the straps and insole of the slippers. I started with the strap and then moved on to the insole. I stuffed the fabric into the cardboard and let it dry. After I had stuffed everything, I inserted the strap into the sole and...
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