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E.Coli Contamination Issue and How to Improve Sanitation

Essay Instructions:

About the Assignment

For this assignment, you will submit an essay analyzing a sample situation and making recommendations for moving forward. Within the essay, you will include several technical documents, including an incident report, memos, and a website page. Be sure to use proper MLA formatting and include three credible sources to support your claims and reasoning for your choice of actions. You may use graphics in any of your sections, but they are not required. The essay, incident report, memos, and website page should total a minimum of 2,000 words.


You are communications lead at The Lookout, a restaurant chain that has become involved in a public health scandal. Customers have become ill from eating at several of your locations, where lettuce and spinach were infected with E. coli. The company is implementing strategies to improve restaurant sanitation, including more thorough training for new and current employees.

Section 1:

Analyze all relevant information, including that from your own research. Begin an essay that explains the problem and your ideas for addressing the situation thoroughly. What internal and external communication strategies should the company use to keep both customers and clients abreast of the situation? Then include a sample incident report that could address all relevant components. Explain your choice of wording.

Section 2:

Write 3-4 memo types addressing the situation from different angles. Topics to consider include:

Explain how the problem can be addressed

Explain the progress to date

Respond to inquiries about the situation

Spread information about the result of any lab reports

Section 3:

Write a website page that explains how the company has fixed the situation and is trying to repair its image. Consider the following:

Reassure the public that the problem has been addressed

Emphasize your company's commitment to health and safety

Spread information about a free meal promotion

Related Lessons

How to Write Incident Reports: Purpose, Structure & Content

Types of Memos

Purpose, Content & Structure of Memos

Online Communication: Differences, Timing & Conventions

Formatting & Sources

Please write your paper in the MLA format. As evidence for your analysis, you should provide quotations from the course and any outside research. Cite all quotations using MLA format. Please include any Study.com lessons you used as sources (including the lesson title and instructor's name).

If you're unsure about how to use MLA format to cite your sources, please see the following lesson:

What is MLA Format?

Grading Rubric

Your essay will be graded based on the following rubrics:

Category Unacceptable (0-1) Needs Improvement (2-3 Good (4) Excellent (5) Total Possible Points

Purpose (x2) Main points are nonexistent or irrelevant to overall purpose. Main points are difficult to identify or under-developed. Main points are clearly related to overall purpose. Main points are developed and well-supported, connecting clearly to overall purpose. 10

Structure and Organization (x1) Disorganized and illogical structure hinders understanding. Somewhat disorganized, but structure does not detract from understanding of main points. Structure is logical; main points are supported by organization. Organization is logical; structure enhances clarity and delivery of main ideas. 5

Clarity (x1) Vague or unclear writing; reader is left with several unanswered questions. Writing is ambiguous in a few areas. Phrasing and word choice are very clear; any visuals used do not enhance understanding. Syntax is very clear and concise; any visuals used enhance understanding. 5

Assignment Requirement (x3) Essay is missing two of the sections. Essay is missing one of the sections. Essay contains technical documents but does not reach the 2,000-word requirement. Essay includes an explanation, incident report, 3-4 memos, and a website page. It totals 2,000 words. 15

Mechanics (x1) Incorrect spelling, punctuation, capitalization, and use of standard English grammar hinders understanding. Several instances of incorrect spelling, punctuation, capitalization, and usage of standard English grammar. Few instances of incorrect spelling, punctuation, capitalization, and usage of standard English grammar. No or very few instances of incorrect spelling, punctuation, capitalization, and usage of standard English grammar; MLA formatting used properly and three sources are included. 5

Essay Sample Content Preview:
Student's Name:
Business and Marketing
Section 1
Numerous people report being ill after eating particular foods. The situation has led to an increase in foodborne illnesses across the nation. It has been noted that many consumers choose romaine lettuce that has been diced rather than spinach that has been pre-washed in tubs. The issue with contemporary conveniences is that foodborne illness outbreaks are frequently associated with them. The prevalence of these outbreaks is thought to be higher but less frequent in certain food categories. According to statistics from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, leafy greens are usually linked to a fifth of all foodborne illnesses. (Fonseca 2020). Due to their frequent interaction with numerous persons and equipment before being provided to end customers, greens, pre-chopped, and pre-washed salads have a high chance of causing diseases. Furthermore, tainted water or frequent bird flights over the crops might cause food contamination on the farm. Escherichia coli (E. coli) bacteria present in vegetables can be caused by farm workers who do not wash their hands or use unsafe farm equipment.
Therefore, acquiring an E.coli infection from consuming contaminated food is easy. Most leafy vegetables, including spinach and lettuce, contain the highest percentage of E. coli. Thus, leafy greens are primarily associated with E. coli infections. According to several studies, between 1998 and 2008, leafy greens were responsible for 22% of foodborne illnesses (Bennett et al., 1400). Row crops of vegetables like lettuce, along with broccoli, celery, and asparagus, may be responsible for 42% of E. coli infections. Other investigations have shown that ground beef can contain E. coli. germs from the intestines, which easily enter the meat during cattle slaughter and processing. Unpasteurized milk is another potentially dangerous product that could contain E. coli. The bacteria can enter the raw milk through a cow's udder or tainted milking equipment.
Apart from specific foods, other risk factors for E. coli infections include age, low stomach acid, weakened immune systems, and the time of year (Rivas et al., 363). In terms of age, older adults and children are more likely than middle-aged individuals to contract an E. coli infection and develop serious consequences. This could be due to their weak immune system. The greatest recognized defense against E. coli is stomach acid. This implies that taking certain drugs that lower stomach acid can make one more susceptible to infection. Individuals with weakened immune systems are also more vulnerable to getting sick after consuming E. coli. In many countries, especially in the United States, the time of year can pose a risk. For instance, E. coli infections commonly occur yearly from June to September.
Multiple diseases can be caused by eating lettuce and spinach that have been infected with E. coli. Most E. coli bacteria strains are dangerous and frequently linked to respiratory illnesses, pneumonia, cramping in the abdomen, urinary tract infections, fever, and bloody diarrhea (Coulombe et al., 1448). For instance, the 0157:H7 strain of E. coli releases a toxin that impairs liver function. The infection also produces the complication of a hemolytic uremic syndrome, which results in renal failure and can be fatal.
The food industry has recently made efforts to prevent outbreaks, although the hazards are unlikely to fully vanish (Tauxe 516). This is a result of consumers being accustomed to convenience goods. The majority of lettuces are often cultivated in Yuma. Thus, the Food and Drug Administration advises consumers to regularly adapt to tossing up romaine found there. Farmers and regulators have started a number of initiatives to help strengthen farm safety regulations, particularly for lettuce and leafy greens. Farmers must now abide by the new rules governing equipment cleaning, worker hygiene, and irrigation of crops with high-quality water.
Since food safety agencies have created standards, it is people's responsibility to make sure that they shield their customers from illness. To raise the caliber of the lettuce and spinach served to customers, the business will abide by the new requirements that have been established. Before delivering food to clients, involved personnel will ensure that they satisfy the finest standards for individual and food hygiene. Only vegetables from verified farms are permitted to be delivered to the restaurants. Before the food is prepared, the food items can be picked and tested in a lab to determine whether or not they contain E. coli. Additionally, there is a need to encourage clients to avoid drinking open-air waters like those found in lakes and swimming pools. They must also frequently wash their hands and steer clear of potentially infected meals.
The business must use internal and external communication tactics to keep customers and clients informed of the situation. Internal communication approaches include the organization of gatherings and meetings, memos, e-mails, workplace notice boards, and texting. Important information on E. coli infections should be communicated internally using several methods. The matter will be discussed in meetings, on the notice board, and in letters to the staff. Direct e-mails and messages from individuals will be used for quick ideas that need urgent responses. The business will employ multiple external communication channels, including social media, its website, conferences, news releases, and advertising campaigns. These platforms will inform the company's customers and clients of the currently identified illness in the restaurant. They will also provide advice on precautions to take and reassure them that changes have been made to the company's food safety procedures to stop the infection from happening again.
Food Poisoning Incident Report
Dear (Insert name)
This report aims to shed more light on a case of food poisoning that happened there between May and September.
Several persons contracted food poisoning from May 15 until September 2022. Sixty-four clients over 10 years were found ill. They claimed to have consumed vegetables at various Lookout Company locations. This situation caught our attention as firm stakeholders because the media are currently ruining the firm's reputation, and we started looking into the issue.
We have learned that the lettuce and spinach we often buy from farmers could contain E. coli. The remaining uncooked spinach will need to be preserved in the refrigerator as proof of evidence so that it can be used in future investigations.
Sick individuals could be identified as soon as they finished eating. Only those who ate meals that included vegetables and some who claimed to have consumed romaine lettuce included on sandwiches and burgers raised the alarm. Most of them expressed stomach aches. Our staff could see these symptoms because if the vegetable...
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