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Media, Technology, and the Illustration Industry

Essay Instructions:

Based on our discussion of Marshall McLuhan’s media theory, media and technology have a significant impact on our society, including the illustration industry. Using 600 – 650 words, discuss how media and technology have affected your particular area of interest in the illustration industry.

Discuss your area of interest, the kind of media you have been using to learn about the industry (e.g., magazine, book, social media, blog, etc.), and why.

Using two illustrations from different decades that are between 1950-today, analyze how shifts in media and technology have affected their formal qualities of illustrative work, the ways in which artists work on their illustrations, and the way the industry operates. For the context of this course, one of the works has to be created by a Canadian or American illustrator.

Provide four references to support your points/argument. Please use an author-date citation format in the paper. You may use any resources except personal blogs. You may only use one type of source only once (e.g., you must not use four sources from Wikipedia). Please provide the citation at the end of the essay.

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Medium is the Message
Technology and media are inseparable from contemporary society. The word media is an umbrella term that refers to all the print, digital, and electronic communication channels. Since discovering the printing press, technology has played a pivotal role in determining how given information reaches its intended audience. It is impossible to discuss media without addressing the technological revolution's fast-moving pace in the recent era. Marshall McLuhan, a Canadian theorist, famously stated that the medium is the message (McKenzie, 2013). His theory indicates that media has a distinct effect on its consumers. The illustration industry is not an exception. For several decades, computer-mediated communication and electric technology have had a significant impact on this sector. It allows illustrators to communicate their messages using visualizations such as photographs, drawings, paintings, and other forms of images imagined, seen, or remembered using a graphical representation to reach the target audience.
Using Social Media to Learn About Illustration Industry
Today, social media has played an indispensable role in the learning of the illustration industry. With the rise of online artwork, there has been an increased drive for participation between artists and the audience. Assertively, social media marketing had gained popularity for the past few years. Besides, there has been a significant redefining of the museum in the current social media age. The scenario implies that the relationship between these art centers and the public changes to more interactive and collaborative forms. Artists utilize various social networking platforms to create, advertise, promote, or even plan an art. Media ecology holds that a medium is an extension of every era's human senses and that the primary reason for the social change is communication technology (Kang, Chen, & Kang, 2019). Digital participation has deepened and democratized the artistic exchange with the audiences, resulting in a relatively higher learning degree concerning the industry. Before the internet age, art critics determined a given art's value. Recently, social media serves as an extraordinary way to discover, promote, and critique art; for example, in 2010, new global digital youth classes emerged on Instagram. Apart from promoting illustration works, social media serves as an educative platform because people can interact and exchange meaningful ideas concerning the sector.
Indeed, the online experience makes different art illustrations to be a highly interactive process. McLuhan claims that medium is the extension of a human being. A central internet feature is interactivity. Therefore, different social media sites promote cultural development and user orientation through interactions between the artists and the audience (Barichello & Carvalho, 2013). Online gadgets, including computers, and smartphones facilitate information generation and content discussions because people can upload, nix, fuse, and reconstruct diverse artistic ideas and concepts, resulting in a participatory culture. The scenario implies that the illustration industry has low barriers to artistic expression and civic involvement. Such a culture supports creating and sharing one's graphical representations while engaging in an informal mentorship because the more experienced individuals pass along their knowledge to novices. More importantly, a participatory culture allows everyone to know that their contribution matters and feel connected wit...
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