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The Relationship Between Music and Sensation: Visual & Performing Arts Essay

Essay Instructions:

Using Kracauer’s “The Spectator” essay and/or Vivian Sobchack’s “Phenemonology and Film Experience,” explore the relationship between music and sensation in any of Transformers 2007, Run Lola Run 1998, or Oldboy 2003. How does music shape our experience of filmic sensation? How does sound contribute to a film’s formal or aesthetic structure? If necessary, you may also draw on Caryl Flinn’s “The Music That Lola Ran To.”

Outside materials (e.g., Wikipedia, film reviews, other critical essays, etc) are not permitted for this assignment.

Essay Sample Content Preview:
The Relationship Between Music and Sensation
Traditionally, the incorporation of music in the film was considered an accompaniment to the action or enhanced mood, as recalled in the old silent comedies and melodramas. Music attempted to make up for the absence of speech as it filled the gaps of silence and breathed life into the infant medium of film. Music also offered sound effects and hedges against the fears of silence among the audience. Today, music in films has unique roles to play in defining mood and emotions among the audience. Usually, the melody and beats of a song can be used to convey the sensual feeling. The lyrics are also applicable where sad lyrics with an upbeat melody may not work with an upbeat video as the lyrics are too contrasted. The impacts of music in films influenced this study's objective to explore the relationship between music and sensation in motion pictures.
Moving pictures is a form of communication in the human environment that makes itself sensuously and sensibly manifests as the expression of experience by experience. According to Sobchack (1992), an idea has to capture the intellect and senses to be considered marketable. The films' ideas are bound to provoke deep psychological layers made up of different habits and psychosomatic preferences (Sobchack, 3). The combination of music and pictures is set to influence the audience's reaction, especially the emotions. Most films have different music or soundtracks matched with the scenes and the theme for each action. There are tracks designed to trigger feelings of happiness, and others influence somber moods while others are associated with the feeling of fear among the audience. "Run Lola Run" 1998 is an example of a film that efficiently reflects the relationship between music and sensation. The film is one of the manifestations of postmodern films and brings elements of fragmentation and instability.
The music in the film comprises pleonastic sounds that mean exaggerated sounds meant to create a specific effect. An example is the sound of a ticking clock that gets louder at the beginning of the film. The sound created a sense of time running out and signified the game's start for the protagonist, Lola. Whispers are used in the opening sequence as another tool used to enhance the plot's thrilling effect. The low, not sounds add eerie effects because the protagonist is running out of time. The sound of the breaking glass and the telephone ring complements the art of chaos in building the scenes. One of the important aspects to note is that all the mentioned sounds play major roles in keeping the audience's attention towards the show. Music is also used to show a change in scenes or the change in the film's action. When the protagonist is about to engage in specific acts, the soundtracks change tone or sequence or changes completely to denote the change in the scene and bring the audience to that moment.
Music is often called to confer the synchronized shots and scenes a significance people would not attribute. Musical themes in some films, such as war documentaries, rekindle weary soldiers' faces. Filmmakers like playing with the audience's minds as a tool to capture the audience's attention. Music is one-way filmmakers deploy various tools to manipulate the audience. Music in Run Lola Run 1998 is used to match the aural tone to the visual tone. The producers picked tracks that reflect the intended tone of the visuals. Typically, the melody and beats of a song can be used to convey the sensual feeling. The lyrics are also applicable where sad lyrics with an upbeat melody may not work with an upbeat video as the lyrics are too cont...
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