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Learning theory

Essay Instructions:
In a 4 page simpson chapter 1 and the vold chapter and the approved article, you are to answer the questions at the end of both books and discuss the use of the theory in the article and as it is described in the vold text.
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Running head: Vold’s Theoretical Criminology
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Criminology is the study of nature and behavior of criminals both individually and in the society. Crimes happen daily and affect most of our day to day activities. These criminals could be our brothers, sisters, parents and relatives but we can’t sell them out because blood is thicker than water. Criminal behavior differs from one person to another, from one society to another.
In learning theories, Sutherland asserts that normal learning behavior basically involves learning of beliefs and ideas while associating with other people. He concludes that ideas and beliefs which are learnt in association with other people in actual sense have a direct causal impact on criminal behaviors. Although it is argued that criminal behaviors may be associated with other learning forms. The recent theories of criminal behavior like Aker’s social learning theory still insist on Sutherland’s view of criminal behavior is normal learned behavior that incorporates modern learning principles. In his theory, Simpson looks at behaviors and ideas of our cultures and subcultures that support criminal behavior. He says that learning culture plays an important role within the society. A description is given of how a negative subculture emerged from a group of youths who reversed the values of the dominant American culture. He further points out that whenever there was an opportunity whether it is genuine or not had no value to an individual unless he learns how to take advantage of it. Athen’s learning theory deals expertly with the various cognitive and behavioral stages that one undergoes on his way to becoming a violent criminal. Sociology fundamentally proposes that criminal behavior is caused by beliefs but does not deny that there is room for structural sources for beliefs. Matsueda further argues by saying that culture is a crucial intervening variable between social structure and individual behavior; this is to say that beliefs including the definitions, expectations on how to behave in certain incidences and social response. The family plays a major role in a bringing up a child in terms of cultural behavior. During her teens, Michele is involved with a gang and other street people. Her family associations have all the necessary values needed within the society. She is taught by her mother how to hold the pipe besides acquiring some other behaviors that she would later use in her life as a prostitute. Her parents did nothing to help get off the ways of the street. From the word go, parents want their children to be people of value to the society, hence a need to bring them up properly.
In differential association theory, Sunderland’s examination of criminal behavior was influenced by a report on criminology that was written by Jerome Micheal and Mortimer J. Adler that appeared in 1933 received several criticisms. He was annoyed by the report and responded by coming up with a general theory that organized the diverse facts known of criminals into a logical arrangement. The theory that he put across has remained unchanged since that edition and includes the following key aspects: first and foremost criminal behavior is learned, this means that one is not born a criminal but learns it from the community or society that he lives in. Secondly it is learned in interaction with other persons in a process of communication, the third point is that part of the learning of criminal behavior takes place within close personal groups i.e. an individual is closely associated with a particular group that is full of criminals. Learning criminal behaviors includes the methods and techniques of committing a crime that are at times very complicated and difficult to master or very simple and easy to master. There is also an aspect of drives, motives and attitudes that are more specific. This specific direction of the drives and motives is learnt from the definitions of legal codes some of which an individual is forced to associate with because of the surrounding people who either observe or do not observe i.e. they are either favorable or unfavorable. The main principle of differential association is that an individual becomes a criminal due to excessive definitions that favor violation of laws over the definitions that are unfavorable to violation of law. Differential associations may vary in priority, intensity, frequency and duration which simply mean that associations with criminal behavior and associations with ant-criminal behavior vary in these aspects. Learning criminal behavior with criminal and anti criminal patterns involves all mechanisms involved in other normal forms of learning. Lastly criminal behavior is just an expression of general needs and values. There is no difference between thieves and normal workers since both of them work or steal for money.
This theory seems untestable because most of its suggestions are open ended so that contradicting evidence can be interpreted to support the theory. In addition most of its concepts are not measurable by observable events. For instance there is no way we can prove that someone engaged in crime because they are possessed by demons. Therefore imitation in social learning theory is just an observable thing.
White collar crime may be defined as a criminal offense that is committed by a person who has a respectable character and high social status within the society. He also adds crimes from corporations and other legal entities within this bracket. He argues further by stating that crimes are committed at all level in the society with persons of different socio economic backgrounds. According to him such crimes are committed by individuals operating in very large and powerful organizations. There are so many reasons as to why people commit white collar crimes, some of them being; wanting to posses more material, money, privilege and power. Institutions provide a good environment for people to commit financial crimes. The basic fundamental reason that people commit white collar crimes is to get more finance and be wealthy.
This theory was put across to explain higher levels of violent crimes that take place in America. Several theorists have argued that there is a southern subculture of violence that is deep rooted among southern gentlemen. Institutionalized violence that is mostly associated with maintaining slavery. Wolfgang and Ferracuti add more flesh to this argument by arguing that subculture of violence started in the south for a number of historical reasons that were passed onto the coming generations. Elijah Anderson argues that people living in the streets face a situation where there is a concentration of poor people that deny them legitimate jobs, availability of guns and drugs is another major contributing factor.
There are new explanations of cultural processes that are being sought by scholars because the existing theories are not relevant to the current wave of criminal activities. Wolfgang and Ferracuti argue that new methods must be incorporated into the old ones as there are new technological developments that make crimes go high tech. This is to that more dynamic concepts of the cultural violence in both institutional and community violence may better be explained using new cultural paradigm that moves beyond the normal traditional values of culture. The present model that is being presented will make it easier to understand and do research that is based on the notion that values in institutions and neighborhoods influence one another.
Maternal deviance becomes a concern when the parents do not take proper care of their children, when parents expose their dirty behavior to children who are still growing. Such an image will make the children emulate their parents leading to growth of a spoilt child. Some parents tend to hide their real behavior to their children even if they are criminals so as to protect the child and give him a better upbringing. This affects the type of conversations and observations the child make with the parents.
Decent people living in the inner city follow the civil code which comprises of middle class values in the larger society. Although these civil codes do not apply to people on the street as their codes stipulate that you always communicate in both the subtle and obvious ways. The code in the street is a desperate...
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