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Describe and formal analyze

Essay Instructions:
Describe the object logically by guiding the reader through the object in some comprehensible movements: top to bottom, left to right or center to periphery, as the object requires. Focus on the most important aspects so that the reader \"sees\" what is important in the piece. For the formal analysis, you want to show the reader how the piece is organized - what makes it hang together, what the most important elements in the piece are and why, etc. You may need to compare your object with another to make a formal point ¨C this is good art historical practice. Help with the formal analysis may be found at the end of this document. Note Label Information Describe and formal analyze (no more than 350 words each object) Write one paragraph synthesizing the wall texts and how they help you place the objects in context The Two Objects that require to be describe and analyze are Seat Figure Tada 13-14th century and Equestrian Figure sixteenth to seventeenth century, and it made by copper alloy in Benin PLZ follow the instuction and good luck.
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Running head: Art
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Seat Figure Tada 13-14th century
The Tada figure is a famous Obalufon mask, obtained from the lost wak method. It is one of the copper masks that are made of a copper alloy with a hollow cast, fifty four centimeters tall and a half life sculpture representing a seated man (Apley, Alice, 2001). The sculpture which was made by a group of Nigerian people called the Ife received much exposure during a show in Spain. One of the features of this style is the natural head and body proportions, life like limbs and arms and torso (Apley, 2001). The head is one quarter of its total height and legs. The figure also is tied with a wrapper which has a sash on the left hip. The Tada figure was used by the villagers at Niger’s riverbed as a ritual practice before it came into the limelight. They believed that the ritual would ensure of their own fertility and that of the River’s fish (Apley, 2001).What made it unique from the Tsoede bronzes, was the asymmetric position, with a unique African shape favoring a frontal or a symmetrical position. The sculpture is made of a technique known as the lost wax technique (Apley, 2001). To begin with, a wax model is made reflecting the object to be cast. Then it is covered with clay and put on fire. Once on fire, the clay and the heated wax runs out through small channels. Through the same channels, molten metal is poured onto the clay. This fills the space left by the wax. When the metal cools, the clay casing is then broken open and once open the sculpture is removed. The refined technique gives an end result of a finely detailed work. Until the 16th century, “gun-metal”, that is an alloy of copper, zinc and tin were still used by Benin sculptors. From then onwards, brass became more useful.
Equestrian Figure sixteenth to seventeenth century
The equestrian figure shows a man riding a horse. The horseman tries to show human dignity together with animal strength (Claerhout, A, 1984). The figure is drawn from the Inner Niger Delta in Mali. The rider is considerably larger than the horse and his description is in greater detail. The size of the man’s figure is greatly exaggerated to show his power and importance (Minneapolis Institute of Arts, 1986, 79). He has an elongated head, broad and protruding eyes, high cheekbones, trim beard and full lips. On his face are marks consisting of three rows each with small dots and concentric lines around his eyes. The rider is in short pants with a floral motif and under his chin a skull cap is strapped. His necklace is made of hexagonal yet larger circular beads. He carries his weapons on the left side that is, a short bow an...
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