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Public Art in Ancient and Modern Times

Essay Instructions:
Paper Two: Public Art in Ancient and Modern Times. Due Week 9, October 28, 7 pages. In ancient times, there was no definition of “art” and no concept of “aesthetics.” Select one work of “art” created from public consumption from the ancient world, either Western or non-Western. Select one work of art created from public consumption from the contemporary world, either Western or non-Western. You must select an object that is in the public domain and exists only for the purpose of serving the whole community. If possible, select objects from the same culture/region. - Explain how the first selected object functioned for the past community in ancient society. - Explain how the second object functions for the modern community in today's society. - How has the first object become “aestheticized” and turned into an art object over time by modern thinkers? - How did the public of today receive the second object in the public space? - What do you think the role of public “art” should be? Or do you think that “public” and “art” are two contradictory terms? Explain.
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Public Art in Ancient and Modern Times
In the paper we are going to contrast and compare some differences and similarities that exist between the modern and the classical olden-age pieces of art. We are also going to note some significant features that are portrayed in art are a representation of the artist(s). As some of the artists works are some reflections of the society or passing out a massage to the society. The artists also use art for beautification ( HYPERLINK "mailto:chaim.saiman@tfdixie.com" Saiman, 3). Designing and entertainment, making the society to use art as a form of communication, entertaining and informing the societies on the difference that existed amongst them. There are different forms of art works that were used in the days of memorial and are still used in today modern society.
Art is not clearly defined but according to my own understanding, art is defined as a process where a person deliberately arranges figurative elements in attempts aimed at affecting / influencing the behaviors. Emotions or the senses of the other person that will be in contact with the piece of art, this might be through the use of sculpture (Grabbe, 2000). However, painting, music, photography, film, and literature amongst other forms of creative arts that stimulate the human mind.
Art is classified as one of the oldest mode of communication as it has been in existence since the olden-age art to today’s contemporary art. While, through out its existence art has always proven to be changing and improving the lives of the humans in the universe, some of the changes that have been experienced from the ever evolving art are in the medical architecture, military, textile, design amongst other sectors that require room for innovation (Mann, 5).
Art can be traced from way back in memorial that is approximately 40,000 years, this is from the sculptures, rock paintings, cave paintings and other pieces of art that were have been found in the upper parts of Greece ( HYPERLINK "mailto:chaim.saiman@tfdixie.com" Saiman, 5). Other evidences that states how art is an old cultural activity is the deposits of tiny snail shells that were found on a cave in South Africa and from looking at the pieces of art it will clearly define the cultural practices of the community, art has also been seen as an aspect that shows the civilization of a given community.
Art results to civilization when communities invent more materials that they would use to make there work easier. This is when the olden age communities invented digging materials like the hoe and slasher, military weapons like the arrows, spears and shields amongst other materials. It should be noted that art facilitates life to become easier this is because of the inventions made it easy to determine the status of an individual this is when art is used to decorate a place thus creating a perception that shows the status of an individual.
The Jewish Hanukkah
Art is said to be one factor that connects people from different regions, lifestyles, religious beliefs, activities, and generations amongst other factors. Therefore, it should be noted that the modern pieces of art are as a result of the motivations from the previous art pieces (Mann, 7). Where the great example that will be highlighted in this paper is the Hanukkah that is in the modern days referred to as Chanukah was used by the Jewish as a source of lighting, and to these contemporary days its still used as a source of light in certain special occasions.

The Jewish Hanukkah
The Hanukkah lamp is celebrated to be one of the oldest ceremonial pieces of art that has been of great importance and used by the whole community. The Hanukkah is a kind of lamp that is characterized with a row consisting of eight lamps that are arranged to be on the same level. In the period between the 10th to the 12th centuries. The Hanukkah was made of stone from the quarries; the stone was then curved to shape, as the rows that the wicks were to be placed were shaped to appear like arches as the oil can be poured on the aches and ensure that the wicks can be able to produce light from the oil that is in the lamps arches.
The Hanukkah was initially designed to be placed on the surface of the floor in order to provide the rooms, temples and other public places. With the light that will ensure that the people in these regions are able to see some light at night, therefore ensuring that the people in the room are able to see clearly and realize the place that they are in.
The Hanukah was used by the Jewish community during eight day festive periods; this is a clear representation that is indicated from the eight holes that the wicks lighted. This was an eight day ceremony that was used to commemorate the rededication of the Jerusalem Holy Temple, as a result of the Maccabean Revolt of the 2nd century BC which is mainly observed from late November to the late December.
The Hanukkah was used to demonstrate that the Jewish were people of high prestige this is when the Jewish decorated there Hanukah that were displayed during the periods that they were celebrating there victory over the Maccabees over the Seleucid Empire which was previously a territory that was previously belonging to the Jews (Mann, 8).
The Jews made the Hanukkah ...
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