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Concepts of Intercultural Communication: Relationship Between the Film and Intercultural Communication

Essay Instructions:

For this assignment, you will demonstrate that you can effectively describe key scenes and moments from the film/podcast. After describing a scene, you must apply concepts of your choosing from the readings and or lectures.

Select a film/podcast.

Answer the following prompts:

*This assignment requires you to think critically and examine Intercultural Concepts via film. You are required to view a film/podcast and answer the following probing questions. You must turn in a 3-5 page double spaced essay in MLA or APA format.

1. Choose 7 concepts from the readings and apply them to any scene and or characters to the film. Explain the concepts in your own words and give a thorough description of the scene.

2. How does the film relate to Intercultural Communication?

3. What themes in the film/podcast can be applied to today's social issues? Explain.

4. What are the major cultural differences between the characters and YOU.

5. Describe some of the themes that exist within the film and apply it to a personal story that you experienced. (This may be difficult depending on the film, but you can do it.)

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Concepts of Intercultural Communication
Relationship Between the Film and Intercultural Communication
Intercultural communication can be defined as the interaction between people who are different in matters of fundamental issues like language, appearance, worldviews among other things (Godwin-Jones, 2). In today’s globalized society, the phenomenon of intercultural communication is an everyday experience to most people. This can either be through social media platforms or physically. In the film, Crazy Rich Asians, directed by Jon M. Chu, the aspect of intercultural communication is very evident. This especially brought out by the starring actor and actress, Rachael Chu and Nick Young. Chu and Young are both in New York despite their appearance which suggests they are Asian (Chu, 2018). Their accents are something else where Young has a British accent despite his strong Asian roots and Chu has an American accent despite her appearance.
When Chu and Young travel to Singapore for a wedding and Chu meets Young’s family, the family cannot help feeling that Chu is not one of them. This is because apart from her appearance, nothing else about Chu suggests that she is Asian. Having been brough up in the United States, Chu is all American and is quite comfortable with this fact. Young’s mother even confronts Chu telling her that she would not make a good wife for Young because she is Americanized. Just like most of the family on Young’s side seems to think, she says that Chu will make Young leave home which is not what the family wants for Young. Various concepts of intercultural communication emerge throughout the film.
Seven Concepts of Intercultural Communication
Different cultures have their different cultural values (Godwin-Jones, 5). This aspect is especially brought when people from different cultures are interacting. In Crazy Rich Asians, Young’s family really values the aspect of family (Chu, 2018). For this reason, the family is really displeased when they find out that Rachael Chu comes from a broken family and her father is not dead as Chu had claimed. This fact bother’s them enough to see Chu as not befitting being Young’s partner.
Behavior is another concept of intercultural communication. People across culture behave differently and this can be used to tell them apart (Godwin-Jones, 5). Therefore, Rachael’s manner of dressing, greeting and such other behaviors tells her apart when interacting with Young’s family. Her behavior identifies her with American culture and not Asian.
People from different cultures have different beliefs (Godwin-Jones, 5). These beliefs can either be religious or even moral. The moral belief of Young’s family is that one should marry withing their own class and marry someone from home. Therefore, Young’s and Astrid’s relationships face criticism because they are marrying down (Chu, 2018). Young is also marrying someone who is not only from a lower class but also from America who might end up making him stay in America rather than moving back home.
People in the same culture are identifiable whether they are living on the same geographical location or across continents (Godwin-Jones, 5). One can use observable things like skin tone, appearance or even mode of dressing to tell cultures apart. Everything about the appearance of the members of Young’s family suggests they are Asian and belong to the same culture. This is slightly different when Chu is compared to them as she tends to dress like an American.
People belonging to the sam...
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