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Visual & Performing Arts
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Understanding Looking and Other Visual Processes (Visual & Performing Arts Essay)

Essay Instructions:

Answer questions in a thoughtful, clear, and complete manner by writing several full sentences and including specific examples in your responses. You are encouraged to make connections to previous assignments, other courses, and your own life experience. Please use the same numbering system and include the questions in your document.

Do not use direct quotations. It is essential that you learn to paraphrase or summarize. You will be expected to use MLA in-text citations and Works Cited at the end of each assignment for the primary source article and any other articles or websites you used to develop your response. Italicize works of art, just as you would like books and film.

Assignment Instructions: Read the article by Sturken and

Cartwright and respond to the questions.

1. How do the authors distinguish between “seeing” and “looking”?

2. Define representation. Can representation be defied or subverted?

3. What is the "myth of photographic truth"? Define subjective choice and how it connects with the photograph as “evidence”? How has technology impacted the “truth-value” of the photograph?

4. Discuss Roland Barthes' two levels of meaning for an image. How does Barthes use and connect the term “myth” to the image?

5. Describe ideology and its connections to the image. Define propaganda. How does propaganda connect to ideology?

6. How does the portrait image of O.J. Simpson figure into the discussion of Ideology and cultural power?

7. What does Saussure argue in his theory of Semiotics? How has his theories been used in visual theory and analysis?

8. How is value conceived of and applied to art/visual imagery? What other kinds of values adhere to images in our culture? What is meant by icons? How does this connect to value? Can icons be subverted?

Essay Sample Content Preview:
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Understanding Looking and Other Visual Processes
1 Seeing is the identification or noting of things by the eyes every moment. Looking explains the expounding of the image to give it a meaning.
2 The representation uses language and images with rules to create a common meaning about the world relating to culture. Opposing representation is possible. For example, Surrealist painter Rene Magritte depicts defying in The Treachery of images by using the French phrase, “This is not a pipe,” to mean that images are not the same as actual objects (Marita and Cartwright, 18).
3 According to conventional understanding, the “myth of photographic truth” is the interpretation of photographs through cultural perceptions. The subjective choice is the photographers’ selections that make the image the way it appears. The “truth-value” of photographs has been influenced by technology, as dark colors represent evil.
4 Barthes states that the way the image can be described at first sight is its denotative meaning. Connotative involves cultural and social knowledge about an ...
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