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Belly Dancing as a Global Phenomena

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Please read all the materials and watch all the short videos that I upload. All the materials that you need and the requirements are included. Please don't use other resources to finish the writing. And make sure the word requirement is 350-400.

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Belly Dance as a Global Phenomena
In 1893, the Chicago World’s Fair, organized by Christopher Columbus, introduced belly dancing in the United States. The introduction was done through a solo act that characterized the main belly dancing (Shay 10). The dancing style varied considerably between each individual. After its introduction, American women used belly dancing to express their feminine power as time changed, unlike the spirituality considered in prior times. Belly dancing was learned by watching older women dancers. Over the year, the dance has transformed as new styles are incorporated into the American belly dance. Fast belly dancers like Kaya and Sadie learned the dance from school rather than older women. They also practiced a duo dance with the same styles and movements initially not present in belly dance.
The dance portrayed by Kaya and Sadie on America Got Talent is a fast pace drum solo. It is characterized by sultry in minimal clothing, which is unconventional in Middle East traditions. The dance exhibits assumed sexuality of the Middle East, developed over time by Western scholars. Edward Said refers to the globalization of this imagined version of the Middle Easterners as oriental...
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