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Analysis of Hope is a Thing With Feathers by Emily Dickinson

Essay Instructions:

Paper prompt (discuss and analyze all three questions in your paper):

1. What is the universal human experience expressed in the literary work*, film or photograph?

2. How does the work, film or photograph promote the universal human experience?

3. What message does this human experience portray through the work, film or photograph?

This assignment will explore the above. To write the paper, you will need to have:

1. read the literary work (*novel, short story or poem—note: the poem must be at least 6 sizeable

stanzas; run it by me first to be sure it’s acceptable), watched the film, or carefully viewed the

photograph (or a series of) from various angles (line, color, shading, emotion, purpose,


2. researched through 1-2 outside resources what was going on in the writer’s,

screenwriter/director/cinematographer’s, or photographer’s world at the time of

publication/release; these sources must be internally cited and listed in the Works Cited;

3. determined the universal human experience that the literary work, film or photograph



✓ 2-3 page paper (note: the expectation is that you will reach the full two pages of the

minimum requirement; but do not exceed 3 pages by more than 1 additional page. The Works

Cited page does not count as one of the 2-3 pages)

✓ Use MLA academic style (header, double-spacing, Times New Roman 12 or Arial 11)

✓ Include the title of the literary work/film/photograph; its writer/director/publication date or

release in your introduction

✓ Provide sufficient description and explanation of your work, film or photograph (remember:

your reader may not have read, watched or viewed your topic item)

✓ Provide internal citations at points of information or quotes from your research

✓ Include a Works Cited page.


If you have not yet taken College Composition or need an MLA refresher:



Essay Sample Content Preview:
Analysis of Hope is a Thing With Feathers by Emily Dickinson
Hope is a Thing With Feathers is a poem composed by Emily Dickinson. It describes how to hope in our lives is similar to a bird that sings endlessly despite the challenges it faces in life. The poem has numerous imagery and literal devices that have been applied throughout the work. In this paper, we will analyze how the author has used certain literal elements to bring out the intended message and the universal human experience expressed in the work.
The message conveyed in the poem, as I perceive, is that hope is ever-present inside in each person. In the first stanza, we can see this when the speaker depicted hope as a bird that rests within the soul, continuously singing its tune and never stops. The speaker's second message is that hope is treasured most when faced with difficulties. It is the most severe predicaments that can weaken our hope. The evidence to support this interpretation is present in the second stanza. The speaker described the bird song as 'sweetest' in the gale and the insistence of a 'sore' or terrible storm that could confound the bird.
The first literary elements present in the poem is the use of metaphor. The metaphors enable the poet to give symbolic meaning to a particular subject using another subject. The intended meaning is made clear when there is a connection between the two different subjects. This can be seen in the first stanza of the poem when hope is related to 'the thing with feathers' (line 1) that resides in the soul and sings continuously. Hope and birds are two contrasting subjects, with one being abstract and the other an animal. Despite the contrast, the speaker's perspective on the subject is understood as a connection can be made. Hope is ever-present in our souls, comforting us without failing. ...
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