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Visual & Performing Arts
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Compare and Contrast Essay Visual & Performing Arts Essay

Essay Instructions:

It's an essay about architecture compare and contrast. Need basic research about the Empire state building and the Chicago Civic Opera Building. Annotated bibliographies are provided in uploaded files. And please fill in the outlines for the draft as well.


DetailsTo keep yourself organized and on target for handing in your research paper, you must complete an annotated bibliography. An annotated bibliography is a list of the sources you think will be useful for your essay with a 2-3 sentence summary of the information in the source. For more information on annotated bibliographies, please refer to the bottom of the course page from 10/30 (click here). For your essay, you need 5 sources that follow these rules:
Unless you are writing about history, sources must be from roughly the last 15 years-2005-2020
One source must be an academic journal article
3 sources can be any type of library source: academic journal, trade journal, magazine, or newspaper
Only one source can be a website like a blog, an web magazine, or Wikipedia
Questions about the different kinds of sources? Go to part 2 of our library resources page.Use this PDF H or Word j| document to complete your annotated bibliography. Apologies-the example at the top of the page is for general essay writing--! didn't have time to make it about architecture!

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Compare and Contrast the Empire State Building and Chicago Civic Opera Building
Compare and Contrast the Empire State Building and Chicago Civic Opera Building
The most notable aspect of life is the ability to be unique because being unique is beauty. The most prominent buildings in the world have unique designs that make them outstanding. Empire State Building is a 102-story building in midtown Manhattan in New York designed by Shreve, Lamb, and Hermon. It was constructed between 1930 and 1931. It derived its name from the nickname given to New York State, "The Empire State." The building stands at 1454 feet with its antennae, which translates to 443.2 meters tall, but the roof height is 1250 feet, which is 340 meters tall (Tauranac, 1997). It was the world's tallest building until 1970 when the World Trade Center was constructed. In 2001 the World Trade Center collapsed, leaving the Empire State Building as the tallest in New York until 2012. 2020 statistics show that Empire State is the seventh tallest building in New York, ninth in the US, and 48th globally ("Empire State Building," n.d.).
Chicago Civic Opera Building is an opera house situated North of Wacker Drive in Chicago. Its main performance space is named Ardis Krainik has a capacity of 3563; this makes it the second-largest opera auditorium in North America. The largest is the Metropolitan Opera House. Civic Opera Building is a part of a more massive elaborate tower of 45-story office spaces and two, twenty-two story wings called the Civic Opera Building. The complex was officially opened on 4 November 1929 and manifests the details of art Deco ("Civic Opera House (Chicago)," n.d.).
The two buildings have unique features worth exploring. This essay, therefore, compares and contrasts Empire State Building and Chicago Civic Opera Building.
Empire State Building is an 85-story commercial and office building. It covers a space of 2.153 million square feet of space for rent. The building's 86th floor has an indoor and outdoor observation space, which is the highest floor within the actual tower, considering that the whole building has 102 stories. From the remaining stories, 102 is capped with an observatory. The spire between 86th to 102nd floor is a hollow space with antennae and lightning arrester rod on floor 103 ("Empire State Building," n.d.). The building's official fact sheet indicates that it has 1860 steps rising to the 102 floors with a volume of 37 million cubic feet internal volume. The external volume is 200000 cubic feet of limestone and granite. The building has a capacity of 20000 tenants and 15000 visitors. The American Society of the Civil Engineers has named the building one of the seven wonders of the modern world. In 1986, the building, which seats at the heart of New York City, was announced a designated Landmark and voted to lead America's Favourite Architecture in 2012.
Chicago Civic Opera Building features details of Art Deco, whose buildings are made of steel and reinforced concrete. In the US, the construction style is prominent with office spaces, theatres, and railroad stations. The building sits as a massive chair within the larger 85 story building. It was renovated in 1993, where chairs were repainted, and c...
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