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How Academics Contribute on Issues of Mental Health in Times of Uncertainty and Change

Essay Instructions:

This assignment doesn't have much to do with social science, so please follow the instructions as much as possible. Don't write too complicated. It's just an elective course, but please try to get high marks

Essay or report topic( please choose essay)

The topic is as follows:

"In what ways can academics contribute on issues of social significance in times of uncertainty and change? Compare and contrast the work of at least two academics who contribute to a particular global issue. Evaluate their contributions and state which academic you judge to be more effective and why."

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Essay Sample Content Preview:

City and State
The World Health Organization (WHO) defines mental health as a well-being state whereby an individual gets to know their abilities, deal with everyday situations, work in effect, and assist society's wellness (Galderisi et al., 2015). Associating someone's well-being to mental health is challenging since most challenging life experiences in which well-being would be unhealthy is regarded as being mentally unhealthy. At times, people with good mental health tend to be unhappy, sad, and unwell, which part of the human life cycle is (Pedrelli et al., 2015). Regardless, mental health is argued to have purely positive effects that are depicted by happiness and mastery of the environment. Therefore, mental health is a crucial social issue as it causes health inequalities, a burden of health problems, and extreme reactions such as suicide, as discussed by academics.
Academics Who have Contributed towards Mental Health
Patricia Dudgeon and Jan Golembiewski have written several research scholarly materials and have been vocal on mental health in the media. First, Patricia Dudgeon teaches Indigenous Health and well-being. Her contributions to studies in the mental health field focus on preventing suicidal incidences and employ society participation, negotiations and reactions by using different strategies. Her collaborations with the government are based on social occurrences and work towards implementing transformative processes.
The most popular work by Professor Dudgeon is the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Suicide Prevention Evaluation Project that was facilitated by the Australian government (Dudgeon & Holland, 2018). This research identifies the main components for suicidal prevention strategies and indigenous leadership's need at the delivery sections. Furthermore, this study facilitated establishing the Centre of Best Practice in Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Suicide Prevention that Professor Dudgeon heads.
Professor Dudgeon is also the chair of the National Ministerial Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Mental Health and Suicide Prevention Advisory Group, an eminent contributor of the National Torres Strait Islander Leaders in Mental Health group. Additionally, she researches different studies at the Australian Indigenous Psychologists Association and Suicide Prevention Advisory Group. She plays the role of a board member in the National Suicide Prevention Taskforce. Professor Dudgeon's heads the Poche Centre for Indigenous Health and makes up the International Journal of Indigenous Wellbeing and The Australian Aboriginal Studies Journal.
Secondly, Professor Jan Golembiewski is among the best researchers in architectural design psychology globally (Pedrelli et al., 2015). His doctorate highlights phenomenological experience in neurological mechanisms. His niche is relevant for mental health since the designed environment often influences the diagnostic symptoms that are supposed to be treated.
Professor Golembiewski's research history puts him at the forefront of health design and good healthcare. Therefore, he is part of the editorial board of three academic journals including, the Australian Journal of Dementia Care, and has guest written Designing the Psychiatric Milieu thrice. Additionally, Professor Golembiewski is part of the International Academy Awards for Design and Health judges, except when his projects are among the nominations. His exceptional work has seen him win 16 awards for his publications, conference presentations, and in recent times, his academic team won a million dollars in the international design competition. Furthermore, Professor Golembiewski is an adjunct professor in the Faculty of Creative Industries at QUT, Brisbane (Pedrelli et al., 2015). This has made him grow into a respected academic majoring in understanding different cultures, patient care prototypes, design psychology, and healthcare design ways globally (Pedrelli et al., 2015).
Professor Golembiewski has several outputs. The latest ones entail being a knowledge leader in Al Wakra Centre for Respite and Recovery, a consultant in Counties Manakau Psychiatric Hospital, a visionary leader in Woodlands Integrated Health Centre, and a research leader in Westmead Health Precinct Masterplan. Professor Golembiewski's competitive research grant includes being nominated CI for a competitive public grant.
Professor Golembiewski's also has several editorial positions in the Journal of Medicine and Medical Science and the Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities. Additionally, he appears as a guest writer for the special issue of Facilities.
Compare and Contrast the Work of At Least Two Academics Who Contribute To a Mental Health
Academics seek to contribute to mental health by creating awareness on the issue, researching the affected people, developing better models and approaches of handling mental health, especially with the uncertainties and changes that might show up, and reducing the rate at which society is impacted by mental health (Galderisi et al., 2015).
Professor Golembiewski's career has dwelled on design as a way to create better mental health and behavior. His method entails using prototypes of design praxis and challenging them with three queries, including wh...
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